-Caveat Lector-


source documents - http://www.softwar.net/clipper.html

U.S. Considered Sharing Security Secrets With China, Syria, Pakistan

Charles R. Smith
Tuesday, May 15, 2001

Newly declassified documents show that America considered sharing secret
computer security code "keys" with foreign powers including China, Syria and

The documents include a secret 1993 CIA cable on the "Clipper" project, a
computer security chip developed by the U.S. government. The Clipper chip
contained advanced "key recovery" surveillance technology, allowing the
government to secretly tap phone conversations and monitor computer

"Are Clipper devices likely to be permitted for importation and use in the
country?" asked a secret 1993 CIA cable addressed to the U.S. embassies in
Beijing, Damascus and Islamabad.

"Would the host country demand joint key holding or exclusive rights to
keys for law enforcement or intelligence purposes?"

"The U.S. intelligence community is concerned about the potentially profound
impact on collection capabilities of the widespread foreign use of
sophisticated encryption devices," states the secret CIA cable.

"Is there the possibility of cryptography 'race'?" asks the CIA cable.

The secret 1993 CIA cable is one of 69 documents released by the U.S. State
Department on the secret Clipper chip project. The documents were forced
the State Department through the Freedom of Information Act.

In addition, the State Department refused to release 12 documents as
"in the interest of national defense or foreign relations."

Surveillance on 'Everyone in the U.S.'

According to a top-secret 1992 memo, the Clipper chip contained an
feature allowing the government to secretly monitor all communications.
to be successful, the Clipper project also included plans to "mandate" the
surveillance chip to be manufactured into all U.S. phones and computers.

FBI Director William Sessions described the mandatory nature of the Clipper
project in a 1993 letter to George Tenet, then Bill Clinton's national

"Technical solutions, such as they are, will only work if they are
into all encryption products," noted Sessions.

"To ensure that this occurs, legislation mandating the use of Government
approved encryption products or adherence to Government encryption criteria

In 1993, Department of Justice Assistant Attorney General Richard Colgate
to Webster Hubbell on the Clipper project. Hubbell, then assistant to
General Janet Reno, was tasked by the Clinton administration to run the
top-secret Clipper surveillance program.

"FBI, NSA and NSC want to push legislation which would require all
agencies and eventually everyone in the U.S. to use a new public-key based
cryptography method," wrote Colgate in his letter to Hubbell.

Hubbell later left the Justice Department in 1994 after pleading guilty to
charges related to the Whitewater investigation. By 1997, the billion-dollar
Clipper project also fell into trouble and was canceled in favor of less
key recovery surveillance technology then under development.

Eavesdropping Technology Sent to China

The newly released documents shows that the Clinton administration
sharing secret Clipper surveillance keys with China and other hostile powers
order to monitor worldwide communications for "law enforcement" purposes.

However, during a 1997 interview, Adm. James McConnell, former director of
National Security Agency, confirmed that the Clinton administration gave the
sophisticated key recovery surveillance technology to communist China in

McConnell noted that the advanced technology gives China the power to
electronically lock out U.S. intelligence monitoring and lock in the Chinese

"Even if the Chinese use weak encryption the sheer volume of their
communications will make it impossible for us to monitor. If China were to
a public key infrastructure it will severely impact our intelligence
ability," stated McConnell.

He also stated that Clinton was aware that the advanced surveillance
might be abused by hostile foreign powers.

"Can Key Recovery be used against dissidents and political opponents?" asked
Adm. McConnell.

"In a word, YES," he concluded emphatically.

'Serious Degradation of National Security'

The newly declassified documents suggesting that Beijing, Damascus and
might be given access to secret code keys drew sharp criticism from inside
outside of Capitol Hill.

"The compromising of U.S. sensitive encryption systems demonstrates the
dangerous international environment that we now must face," stated Al
senior defense adviser to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.

"The Clinton administration's sharing of key recovery technology with
adversarial countries such as China, and countries that have housed or
terrorist groups such as Pakistan or Syria, shows the serious degradation of
national security that the Bush administration has inherited," noted

"It's another example of the utter wackiness of the Clipper project," stated
Michael Ledeen, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and
author of "Machiavelli on Modern Leadership."

"I'm not sure one can conclude from this cable that we were automatically
to share the 'keys' with the listed governments; we may simply have been
to find out whether the other countries would INSIST on having the key which
might be a negative for the project itself," noted Ledeen.

"Why not share all our code keys?" questioned another senior national
official who requested that he not be identified.

"After all, China and Syria are on the U.N. Human Rights Commission and
not," he concluded with disgust.

                                Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                               *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

               The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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