Free Congress Foundation's
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May 22, 2001

Inside Stories
Notra Trulock's Commentary:
Federal Bureau of Incompetence
Federal Bureau of Incompetence
by Notra Trulock

Growing up in the Midwest in the 1950s, we were taught to revere American
institutions like the military and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  And
why not?   Our fathers and uncles had won World War II and service in the
military was our civic duty.  Not to serve was unthinkable.  Likewise, the
FBI was a symbol of the incorruptible - an ever vigilant guardian of our
public order and a bulwark against foreign subversion. The local FBI office
regularly hosted visits by Boy Scout troops and other youth groups; many a
boy or girl came away dreaming of becoming an FBI agent.  A career as a
military officer or fighting crime and foreign spies were among those
honorable professions encouraged by parents - at least in the Midwest in the
1950s and early 1960s..

But something happened along the way.  Vietnam nearly destroyed the military
as an institution.  In the 1960s, the military as an institution was
betrayed by people like Robert S. McNamara and its senior uniformed
leadership; that story is told very well in a recent book called Dereliction
of Duty.  It took a decade or more of quiet hard work to restore the
military to its former greatness, as witnessed in its performance in the
Gulf War.  The Clinton era nearly did the military in again, but fortunately
President Bush will hopefully see to the welfare of our servicemen and
restore morale.

The Clinton era, with its scandals and disdain for the rule of law and the
Constitution, was a sort of Vietnam for the FBI.  Okay, so I have some
issues with the FBI: violations of my First and Fourth Amendment rights
among them.  But by any measure, the 1990s have not been good years for the
FBI.  Consider the following.

1.      In 1992 at Ruby Ridge, the FBI shot and killed Randy Weaver's
14-year-old son and then an FBI sniper, who claimed he could hit a quarter
at 200 yards, murdered Weaver's wife as she stood on a porch holding the
couple's baby in her arms.  Now Clinton and Freeh could reasonably claim
that Ruby Ridge didn't happen on their watch.  But under Freeh, the FBI's
response to the government's investigation established a pattern of
cover-ups, withholding of evidence, and misleading testimony.  Freeh even
hired an agent as his deputy, only to have the agent retire when news of his
complicity in the cover-up came to light.
2.      Controversy still rages about the FBI's handling of the Branch
Davidians at Waco in 1993.  Timothy Lynch of the CATO Institute has raised
important questions about the thoroughness of Senator John Danforth's review
of the Waco incident.  In particular, Lynch found that Danforth ignored
clear evidence of the FBI's obstruction of the subsequent investigation; the
pattern was getting familiar: cover-ups, withholding of evidence, and
misleading testimony.  Danforth is not the only former US Senator to be
"misled" by the FBI in a "blue ribbon" review of its performance.  The
tragedy of Waco and Ruby Ridge, beyond the immediate consequences, is that
the Clinton Administration's failure to exercise due diligence in its
investigations may have led directly to the Oklahoma City bombing disaster.
3.      Who can forget the FBI's destruction of the reputation and life of
Richard Jewell?  FBI leaks to a rabid media resulted in Jewell's being held
hostage in his apartment by the media pack.  Seems that the FBI jumped the
gun on Jewell, however, and now is after Eric Robert Randolph, who is still
at large.  As for Jewell...well, never mind.
4.      Free Congress' Lisa Dean has repeatedly warned about FBI's and law
enforcement's threats to our Fourth Amendment rights.  The FBI's Carnivore
email surveillance program exposes thousands of innocent Americans to
federal monitoring of their email traffic.  Director Freeh evidently doesn't
think much of the Fourth Amendment, however, and has argued that we need a
new amendment more attuned to the "information age."  By the way, only a
government bureaucrat would think that renaming the program to DSC1000 would
delude American citizens that the program has changed. Dean has written
extensively on the broad range of surveillance technologies under
development by law enforcement agencies. When their own file keeping on
American citizens came under scrutiny, Freeh's agency simply "out-sourced"
the collection and maintenance of such files.  Now FBI agents can access
your personal data, credit history, etc., by clicking an icon on their
desktop computers.
5.      Freeh was not alone in believing that the end of the Cold War
equated to a reduced threat of espionage.  But Freeh was one official who
could act on that, as it turned out, misperception to the detriment of the
nation's security.  He practically dismantled the FBI's counterintelligence
arm, especially that section that dealt with China.  FBI CI agents retired
in droves and those that stayed were reassigned or simply left in the
backwater areas of the FBI's National Security Division.   The FBI's
handling of the KINDRED SPIRIT Chinese nuclear espionage scandal has been
well covered by David Cloud of the Wall Street Journal and Dan Stober of the
San Jose Mercury News.  Suffice to say this was not the FBI's finest hour.
Of course, in the subsequent investigations of their handling of the case,
the FBI withheld key evidence from and misled Congressional and
Administration investigators, including former Senator Rudman.  Another
Republican Senator willing to take a bullet for Freeh and the FBI.
6.      This was surpassed only by disclosure of a spy working within the
bowels of the FBI's NSD.  Well, ok, it happens.  But it turns out that the
FBI's internal security procedures were not so great, after all, and worse
yet, one FBI agent was convinced that there was a spy amongst them.  But his
conclusions were dismissed with FBI officials claiming that there was
nothing to support the opening of a case.  But just as in the Chinese case,
the assumption that "it can't happen here" precluded the FBI from examining
its own computer files for indications of such activity.  After the spy was
fingered, guess what...the FBI found such evidence that had been siting
there all along.  When did government officials, charged with guarding our
most precious secrets, become so complacent that they don't even bother to
do the most obvious things to make sure those secrets are safe?

And the list goes on.  But now Director Freeh has announced his resignation
(finally) and the Bush Administration has a chance to do what Colin Powell
and others did for the US military after Vietnam.  Take it all apart and put
it back together again - the right way.  Rebuild it from the inside out.
Most importantly, keep the focus where it belongs - an uncompromising
observance of the limitations and restrictions imposed on law enforcement by
our Constitution.  It was written the way it is for a reason, but during the
Clinton-Reno-Freeh years we seem to have ignored its relevance to our lives
today.  President Bush has a great opportunity to put the FBI back on the
right track and, hopefully, once again, little boys and girls will dream of
becoming FBI agents when they grow up.

Notra Trulock is the Director of Media Relations at the Free Congress
Foundation. He is a former Director of Intelligence at the U.S. Department
of Energy.

For media inquiries, contact Notra Trulock  202.546.3000 /
For other comments and inquiries, contact Angie Wheeler at

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