-Caveat Lector-

Well Bill are they just finding this out; birds dying and airplanes
dropping chemicals from the sky for "medicinal" purposes; AIDS spread
throughout the entire world, with maybe a lot of credit due to William
Jefferson Clinton who sold polluted HIV/AIDS and who knows what else,
blood; to horses dying being aborted like innocent children in Kentucky
spreading to Ohio; to mass execution of unborn babies, and sale of the
little body parts for profit; but the best symbolic sign of times -
cattle dying and being slaughtered for no other reason other than some
have been sick with foot and mouth or "mad cow" disease - put in piles
and burnt - but one calf I noted escaped, for its owner found it alive
and protected it from the slaughterman.

Is this the Grim Reaper?   But who has done what.   Remember Silent
Spring ......consider pesticide companies now linked with pharmaceutical
companies and vaccine companies - all in the game for profit -
genetically engineered food designed to kill?

A sensible birth control problem would be a good answer - not
slaughtering the innocentns.
6 million people died becaue of Hitler; not quite correct, 55 million
people died an add another 50 million who died at hands of Soviet Union
- massive slaughter and genocide?

Working America - note how the news in a Charles Spenser fashion
(Champagne Charlie, brother of Princess Diana) referrs to "working
class" America?   Working class?

Well when 300 were fired by Ted Turner, did anybody else feel their pain
and did anybody give a damn?  I did not - for after all they were
"working class" press and did not know it?

Now the biggest deal of the century - Chinese Abortion Pill......

Simple solution to many problems - stop selling sex and learn to manage
it - cheap trashy movies and music, only contribute to the design of the

Remember Jack the Ripper?   Sign of the times for Jacks Back.


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