-Caveat Lector-

Reported that this think re the foals has now eached into Ohio.

Unborn foals are no insured supposedly - but when you consider now we
live in a Death Culture (look at Littleton) where life has no meaning
(refer to abortion pills) there could be a crazy vet out there with a

It is said now Florida weather will now be "normal".

Intent of Weather program was to make Florida hurricane free - got to
save Naples and Palm Springs......so hurricianes have been controlled
and diverted and for 4 years now Florida in drought?

Listen to words of Colonel Tom Beardon - see his web site - for he is a
nuclear engineer and expert of the works of Tesla and this horrendous


So a few unborn horses die but the percentage is what matters - wonder
why the English do not fight back or do they await the day of their
slaughter like a stupid lot of sheep - for Prince Philip must be dead
and indeed has come back, as he so wished, as a deadly virus to solve
overpopulation problem.

Prince Charles battlled genetically engineered foods - but cui bono?
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