-Caveat Lector-

Didn't the USA just buy $45,000,000.00 worth of vaccine from England for
use of course, to be given primairly to the young and babies by law?

And has Prince Philip died and come back as a virus as he so desired -
one so deadly it would solve over population problem?   Such integrity
should not go by unrewarded?

So would ike to know if anyone remembers what vaccine was purchased from

And then consider the sanitary brilliant conditions under which the
Chinese profit by the new abortion pill which they now manufacture to
murder American babies before they are born?

Know how to solve part of our population problem and is there really an
American problem but sending back 17 million illegal entries who have
brought disease into this ountry would be a good start - in particular,
the 18 thousand per year handpicked from Africa who must have AIDS (as
if the other emmigrants to this country are not suspect) as only
qualification to come to America?

Next they will bring on the Lepers if they have not already for already
did you know there is a leper community in USA and this disease is
allegedly on rise, though not too many yet.

Take the Statute of Liberty back to France and sit it on the EU shore.

And the words of Emma Lazarus who wrote "give us the refuse" as though
we were a city dump?


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