-Caveat Lector-

Sen. Jeffords To Be Independent
By David Espo
AP Special Correspondent
Wednesday, May 23, 2001; 10:10 a.m. EDT

WASHINGTON –– Republican Sen. James Jeffords of Vermont has told Democrats
he intends to abandon his party and become an independent, officials said
Wednesday, a switch that would end GOP control of the Senate and crimp
President Bush's ability to pass his agenda.

"He's going to leave, that's all I've been told," said one Democratic
senator, speaking on condition of anonymity.

A second Democratic senator, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said
party leaders had told him Jeffords would align himself with Democrats for
organizational purposes, thereby giving them control.

Jeffords, a moderate in a party of conservatives, told reporters he would
disclose his decision at mid-afternoon.

Several sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Jeffords might
defer the effective date of his switch until early June. That would enable
Republicans to push through Bush's income tax cut, now pending on the Senate

In an atmosphere of extraordinary suspense, Democrats also acknowledged they
were concerned about Republican attempts to counter Jeffords' presumed
defection by enlisting Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga., to switch to the GOP.

© Copyright 2001 The Associated Press

-----Original Message-----
From: Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] NR: Jeffords Bombshell: Party Switch Imminent

-Caveat Lector-

Now a lot of Republicans in a primary I presume put this man on the
ticket to represent them.......in the General Election he ran as a
Repubican and his party put his name on the Republican Ballot.

So now, if this guy wants to vote Republican or vote Democrat that is
his choice - for many public officials do not agree on all issues.

What this guy is doing verges on blackmail and why?   He could vote as
he pleases on any issue; but to change his party - he no longer holds
the qualifications for the office he holds as a member of the Republican
party and they should recall him immediately, impoeach, or whatever they
do to in such matters.

What is the big deal - he is getting publicty, but who the hell ever
heard of him?

So he says I am no longer a Republican?   Fine, take away his office for
he was not elected on the Demorat Ticket...

Something wrong here.......to change your vote is one thing, but to
change your party is another.

Much to do over nothing....

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