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Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 11:10:00 -0700
To: Mark Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SNET: What Do You Mean, "We"?

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

                         What Do You Mean, "We"?

by Annalea Eastley

All too often I hear: "If we had only followed the Founders, everything
would be just fine now," or "We weren’t vigilant enough to maintain our
liberties, so we’ve got what we deserve." Usually these lines are
delivered by self-proclaimed, complacent authorities on human nature,
and I can t understand how they can deliver such a damning sentence and
still transparently absolve themselves from the guilt and responsibility
just assigned to the amorphous, all-inclusive we. What disturbs me
further is that it’s not just the comfortable "authorities" who proclaim
this fallacy: it’s a common assumption even among the writers I respect

Be that as it may, I’m tired of being blamed for every ill the pathetic,
obese U.S. bureaucracy suffers. I am not responsible for the downfall of
the Great American Experiment. Even though I grew up on a farm, I didn’t
unlock the barn door and let leviathan out. Did you? Didn t think so. I
have vigilantly watched as powerful men backed by a monopoly on force,
set events in motion contrary to liberty not to mention my wishes. Long
before my time, the power to impact these actions slipped far beyond my

I would posit that good, ordinary folk, like myself or people you know,
(who according to our armchair authority "don’t do enough to fight
tyranny and oppression"), do not bear responsibility for leviathan’s
incredible power. Do you feel personally responsible for leviathan? I
sure don’t. Ask your friends I don’t think they’ll fess up. Laying blame
on the backs of "we" is terribly convenient, but shares logical
inconsistencies with "public property": if everybody owns it, then
nobody s actually responsible for it. It’s a well-worn armchair
indictment handed down by tame, well-fed conservatives; as well as some
not-so-tame intellectuals.

Problem is, our conservative is saying the dead man’s responsible for
his own murder. Rational, logical people know the criminal carries the
blame, for he is responsible for his actions. Hopefully there are
sufficient deterrents in place, making aggression far too costly. Yes,
victims can put themselves in dangerous circumstances, but the very
nature of man, the inalienable existence of his will, award the
predator’s choices, and responsibility therefor, to the predator alone.

We all know the predatory types who rise to the top of the pond: those
evil and conniving men who have always achieved positions of power; or
that uniquely 20th century breed of earnestly and unintentionally evil,;
ignorant, grassroots candidates who gain power through good intentions
and emotional appeals "for the children". Each of these aggressors holds
responsibility for the evil they wreak, along with those few powerful
good men who fell to accomplice status through cowardice. And this evil
goes back a very, very long time as has already been prolifically
demonstrated. (A search for "Lincoln" and the "War of Northern
Aggression" should yield plenty of evidence.)

So, if the "we" responsible for our current slave state is actually the
unscrupulous power-hungry, what option remains to those of us who wish
to carry on our business unmolested? Let me share with you the only
logical conclusion considerable thought has produced. I believe seizing
power is under-priced. There have always been structures in which the
evil, plotting, conniving men can climb to incredible power, despite the
best efforts of good men even if those men happen to have names like
Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Madison, et al. Once power over others
is awarded to any man, the power-hungry will congregate like hyenas,
scratching each others backs and going for each others throats. Whether
the structure carries imperialistic, theological, limited, totalitarian,
or even capitalistic earmarks makes no difference. History has shown,
not that good men aren’t willing or worthy to maintain their own
freedom, but that evil men are willing and capable of perverting any
power structure to their own ends. Those who wish to live and let live
should be free from the hyenas aggression or at least the hyenas shouldn
t be awarded monopolistic force and judicial fiat.

So, if any and all state superstructures are, by their very nature,
simply ladders for the rats and weasels to scamper to power; and every
"moderate" alternative will degenerate into a tyranny by tyrant or
majority, (as demonstrated by Rothbard in The Ethics of Liberty); there
seems to remain but one reasonable course of action. Abolish the
government. Exile the whole lot to Antarctica, and leave the rest of us
free from those won’t keep their noses or their bombs and teargas to
                                                            May 26, 2001

Annalea Eastley [send her mail] is a full-time wife, mother, and

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