-Caveat Lector-

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Jenna Bush's problem is not the boozing;
It's drunk-with-power federal mandates

WASHINGTON, DC -- Jenna Bush's problem is not with underaged
drinking laws
-- it's with federal mandates. And Ronald Reagan.

If the federal government had not forced states to raise the legal
drinking age to 21, the First Daughter might be in trouble with her
parents but not with the law, the Libertarian Party pointed out today.

"Federal mandates have turned Uncle Sam into a shaved-head, 300-
tattooed bouncer, checking the ID of college students," said George
the party's press secretary. "And federal mandates have turned what
be an embarrassing family matter -- a college-age daughter with a
for margaritas -- into a legal matter."

Jenna (along with twin sister Barbara) is under investigation for
allegedly using false identification to try to purchase alcohol in a
restaurant in Austin, Texas. Jenna, 19, is a student at the University of

It's not her first booze-soaked brush with the law: Two weeks ago,
Jenna was sentenced to alcohol-awareness class by a judge for

But Jenna is not in trouble because the state of Texas thinks that 19-
year-old adults should not drink. Or even because her parents frown on
their daughter guzzling Hurricanes, Mudslides, or Absolut Disasters
(although they most certainly do).

She is in trouble because in 1984, the federal government (under
"small-government conservative" President Ronald Reagan) passed the
Uniform Drinking Age Act. The bill used federal highway money to bribe
states into raising the drinking age from 18 to 21. By 1988, every state
had complied.

It's that bill that turned what would have been a perfectly legal
activity by a 19-year-old adult into a crime...and landed Jenna on the
front page of newspapers across the USA as the poster child of College
Girls Gone Wild.

Now, said Getz, the Libertarian Party has some advice for President

"Have a talk with your daughter. Explain to her the potential dangers of
drinking too many margaritas. Explain that she must accept the
for her actions. If you love your daughter, that's your job as a parent.

"Then, work to repeal the kind of federal mandate that turned your
daughter into a criminal. Allow parents -- or state and local
governments -- to decide when someone is old enough to drink. If you
love the Constitution, that's your job as the president."

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Best Wishes

Government should be concerned with anti-social conduct, not with
utterances. - Justice William Orville Douglas

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