Advance Warning?
The Red Cross Connection

By Daryl S. Borgquist Families of the Pearl Harbor commanders have been
championing the theory that official Washingon knew when and where the 1941
Japanese attack would occur. Evidence of secret medical shipments prior to
the attack is lending credence to it.

A previously unsubstantiated report that President Franklin D. Roosevelt
requested the national office of the American Red Cross to send medical
supplies secretly to Pearl Harbor in advance of the 7 December 1941 Japanese
attack is beginning to look much more feasible.

Don C. Smith, who directed the War Service for the Red Cross before World War
II and was deputy administrator of services to the armed forces from 1942 to
1946, when he became administrator, apparently knew about the timing of the
Pearl Harbor attack in advance. Unfortunately, Smith died in 1990 at age 98.
But when his daughter, Helen E. Hamman, saw news coverage of efforts by the
families of Husband Kimmel and Walter Short to restore the two Pearl Harbor
commanders posthumously to what the families contend to be their deserved
ranks, she wrote a letter to President Bill Clinton on 5 September 1995.
Recalling a conversation with her father, Hamman wrote:

. . . Shortly before the attack in 1941 President Roosevelt called him
[Smith] to the White House for a meeting concerning a Top Secret matter. At
this meeting the President advised my father that his intelligence staff
had informed him of a pending attack on Pearl Harbor, by the Japanese. He
anticipated many casualties and much loss, he instructed my father to send
workers and supplies to a holding area at a P.O.E. [port of entry] on the
West Coast where they would await further orders to ship out, no
destination was to be revealed. He left no doubt in my father's mind that
none of the Naval and Military officials in Hawaii were to be informed and
he was not to advise the Red Cross officers who were already stationed in
the area. When he protested to the President, President Roosevelt told him
that the American people would never agree to enter the war in Europe
unless they were attack [sic] within their own borders.

. . . He [Smith] was privy to Top Secret operations and worked directly with
all of our
outstanding leaders. He followed the orders of his President and spent many
later years contemplating this action which he considered ethically and
morally wrong.

I do not know the Kimmel family, therefore would gain nothing by fabricating
situation, however, I do feel the time has come for this conspiracy to be
exposed and Admiral Kimmel be vindicated of all charges. In this manner
perhaps both he and my father may rest in peace.1

Smith first told his story to his daughter and granddaughter in the 1970s,
Hamman said, and it bothered him a great deal. Hamman had herself served in
the Red Cross on the West Coast during World War II and never had heard
anything about this before. She was surprised by the story, but she knew, she
said, that "Papa would not lie." Unfortunately, her father had left no papers
and never told her of any specific actions he took to fulfill President
Roosevelt's request. She had not thought about her father's story again until
she read about efforts to restore the ranks of Kimmel and Short.

Because Hamman had nothing but her recollections to corroborate the story,
without further evidence it was still only a story. Even if it were true, it
would appear to have been a merely quiet shift of employees, equipment, and
supplies within the overall massive buildup of the Red Cross in preparation
for war, paralleling a similar effort in the military from the 1940 Soldier
and Sailors Act. Supporting information turned up in Red Cross records at the
National Archives, but no "smoking gun" indicated that such an effort had
taken place. Ultimately, however, a copy of the Hawaii Chapter's Annual Report
for the fiscal year ending 30 June 1942 confirmed the secret receipt of
medical supplies by the Red Cross at Pearl Harbor immediately before attack.
In part, it reads:

In the latter half of 1941, and indeed prior thereto, the Hawaii Chapter
took the definite position that there was serious trouble ahead in the
Pacific. In spite of peaceful cooings from both American and "enemy"
sources, and suggestions to slow down, we stepped up.

. . We obtained from National Headquarters of the American Red Cross in
Washington vital medical supplies and drugs to the value of some $50,000,
which were here before December 7th, unbeknown save to a very few, and were
stored in cooperation with the Army. We likewise obtained from Washington
First Aid equipment and supplies to the value of about $25,000, which were
also available.2

This seems to correspond with Hamman's recollection of what her father had
told her. So why did the story not come out at the time? And what about the
cooperative efforts with the Army to store the supplies? Who in the Army
knew, and where were the supplies stored? Did General Short, the Army
commanding officer for the Hawaiian Department, know about these supplies? If
he did, then he also would have been better prepared for the attack. The best
answer to these questions is that Hawaiian Red Cross officials must have
thought the secret transfer of supplies was in response to previous requests
for assistance from national headquarters. Additional evidence indicates,
however, that a few Hawaiian officials may have received an advance warning.

The supplies might have been kept secret for several reasons. Hawaiian Red
Cross officials might have wanted to protect them from potential Japanese
saboteurs, about whom military officials had been duly warned. Those
officials also were soliciting donations and volunteers from the community to
help in preparing supplies. Publicizing receipt of the medical supplies might
have dampened enthusiasm and support for Red Cross projects.

Regarding the question of Army cooperation, the Army had been supportive of
the Red Cross and civilian defense preparations and was undoubtedly
supporting these efforts at the time. General Short's Army Day Speech to the
Honolulu Chamber of Commerce on 6 April 1941 corroborates this. The subject
of this major speech was civilian defense preparation--including preparations
that should be made by the Red Cross--and was deemed important enough by the
Army board and the joint congressional committee to have been included in the
official record.3


Red Cross personnel activities and assignments appear to support the Hamman
story as well. A select number of experienced people were tapped to go to
Hawaii in fall 1941--all of them directed from Washington. Some arrived as
regular transfers; others appear to have been special transfers. Almost all
arrived just in time to prepare for the Pearl Harbor attack in the rapid and
massive buildup that resulted from the Selective Service Act of 1940.4

From required Red Cross monthly field reports, nurses recruited for the
military by the Red Cross and those who had received commissions as Army
nurses filed reports, noting their times of arrival. One of the two new Red
Cross nurses at Station Hospital Hickam Field in Honolulu, on duty the
morning of 7 December 1941, wrote in a 16 February 1942 letter to Major Julia
O. Flikke, Superintendent of the Army Nurse Corps in Washington:

. . . As you may recall, there were just six of us, who, on November 15th
were transferred to Station Hospital, Hickam Field. We felt that we were
the happiest group of nurses anywhere--a new 30 bed hospital, lovely
quarters--just two blocks from the Officer's Club, nice working hours, more
social activity than we could possibly crowd in, the hospitality of our
Medicos, and above all--the grandest chief nurse, Miss A[nnie Gayton] Fox,
who enjoys everything as much as we do.5

The writer, who is not identified in the correspondence but who was one of
the two nurses on duty the morning of 7 December (along with a Miss Boyd,
according to the text), had transferred from Walter Reed Army Hospital in
July 1941 and had been transferred again from somewhere else, arriving for
duty in Hawaii at the new hospital on 15 November 1941.

Red Cross Field Director Nell Ennis, at the U.S. Naval Hospital in Pearl
Harbor, filed her first narrative report for November to December 1941. She

The greatest difficulty was the fact that the supplies ordered in October
had not been received. This was a real handicap, for, as we were expecting
this shipment daily we did not want to make local purchases thereby
duplicating the order.

. . the following month [December] brought an avalanche of work entirely
foreign to any previous services I have ever been called upon to do.

. . The Red Cross volunteers were my only workers and without them I could
not have carried on. . . . There were six Gray Ladies who had received
training at other naval stations and the medical staff frequently spoke of
their efficiency and endurance.6

On 22 November 1941, William Carl Hunt, acting manager of the Eastern Area,
sent a memorandum on American Red Cross National Headquarters letterhead to
the Eastern Area headquarters staff and New England field staff that read:

Mr. Robert Shepard has accepted an emergency assignmant [sic] as Executive
Director of the Hawaii Chapter. He will be leaving for this post about the
first of December. . . . in these times such changes of assignment are
necessary in order to bring the full strength of the Red Cross to bear upon
whatever emergencies arise.7

According to the National American Red Cross Human Resources office, Shepard
was one of the organization's most experienced and capable people. He arrived
in Hawaii a few days after the Pearl Harbor attack, but he never became
executive director. The Honolulu Advertiser recorded his arrival and
qualifications on Christmas Day 1941.

Shepard is not the only national office staff member sent to Hawaii during
this critical period, as a 12 December 1941 national office press release
states. These staff members are not named or identified, but another Red
Cross document indicates their titles.

Mr. Castle's [Alfred Castle, chairman, Hawaii Red Cross Chapter] cable also
stated that cooperation between the Red Cross and the local Civilian
Defense in the emergency was excellent. The Hawaiian Red Cross was equipped
with large supplies of clothing, made by women volunteers in the islands,
and also had stores of food and medical supplies. Five members of the
national Red Cross staff from Washington, were sent to the islands some
time ago.8

Red Cross Activity in Hawaii

The secret cache of medical supplies appears to have had a bearing on a
discrepancy concerning the number of first aid stations established between 8
December and 12 December. An 8 December 1941 press release of the American
Red Cross News Service states that, "Prior to the beginning of hostilities
the American Red Cross established 10 emergency medical stations on the
islands and made other plans for emergency operations."9

According to a 12 December 1941 press release from American Red Cross News
Service-based Hawaiian Red Cross Cables, "Twelve 50-bed Red Cross first aid
stations had been set up in Hawaii, completely equipped with doctors, nurses
and first aid personnel, the Red Cross stated."10

As difficult as it was to get equipment and supplies to Hawaii, two extra
50-bed first aid stations represented either a large expectation of
casualties or a large error on someone's part, particularly in light of
Ennis's complaint that by November she had not received all of her supplies
ordered in October.

The site where the medical supplies were stored continues to be elusive. The
most complete account for 7 December 1941 is by Betty MacDonald, the social
page editor of The Honolulu Star-Bulletin, in an article published on
Saturday, 13 December 1941. "To the Women of Hawaii--There Is Work To Be
Done" states that the Red Cross Motor Corps was mobilized completely by 1400
on the 7th at their headquarters in the Castle Kindergarten Building in
downtown Honolulu. The activities of the motor corps in evacuating civilians
through that night and into the next morning is well documented.

MacDonald, now Betty McIntire, remembers nothing more than what she wrote in
her article, except that the editor had cut out all graphic details of the
condition of the wounded. The editor had revised significantly what she wrote
and may have added material, because McIntire did not remember some of the
points in the article.

The most probable location of the secret supplies was in downtown Honolulu,
somewhere that was accessible from the motor corps headquarters. An
outbuilding at the then-sprawling Fort DeRussy is the most likely site. The
existence and location of the surgical dressings made by the Hawaii Chapter
are well documented and known; these also were distributed by the motor
corps. The motor corps probably began its 7 December trips downtown, picking
up supplies and delivering them to hospital and medical sites and then
picking up evacuees or wounded and delivering them to medical facilities or
civilian relocation centers on the return trip to Honolulu.

In the book At His Side: The Story of the American Red Cross Overseas in
World War II
(New York: Coward-McCann, 1945), George Gershon Korson writes
that the motor corps' "first assignment on 7 December was the delivery of Red
Cross surgical dressing and medical supplies to the Army and naval hospitals
and civilian emergency hospitals set up in school and government buildings."
None of the first-hand accounts from military hospital personnel and
commanding officers records the delivery of any Red Cross supplies or the
work of Red Cross ambulances, nor can any reference be found for Korson's

War Volunteer Study and Staffing Levels

In his monthly report for November 1941, American Red Cross Director of
Personnel J. Blaine Gwin made a significant statement about the escalation in

It is interesting to note that we have reached the point where the total
number of temporary staff members exceeds the number of permanent or
regular staff members, being 1,505 temporary employees as compared with
1,029 permanent or regular employees.11

In order to determine how many volunteers would be needed, the National
Headquarters conducted a study on the "proposed utilization of volunteers on
the national organization staff." It was completed on 29 October 1941, sent
to the chairman, and subsequently forwarded to Red Cross national office area
directors by Director of Domestic Operations DeWitt Smith on 2 December 1941.
Only a few positions could be identified as suitable for volunteers at the
national headquarters, where full-time permanent employees were needed, but
many volunteers would be needed by the Red Cross chapters.

While it is noteworthy that the study was completed a month in advance of the
Pearl Harbor attack and forwarded to the area directors just five days before
it, the most significant fact seems to be that the Red Cross national office
had for all practical purposes already staffed up to wartime operational
levels by November 1941, even though war had not yet begun.

Red Cross Home Service Director Sanderson opened his November 1941 monthly
report, dated 3 December 1941, with the statement: "Every phase of our Home
Service program has continued to develop new interests and a tremendous
increase in activity has been in evidence during the month." All of the Home
Service field representative staffs had been called in on 10 November for
"instructions regarding the study now being made of Chapters in areas
adjacent to military centers." Buried in this report is another statement
worthy of note:

The report from the Pacific Area shows that the Home Service staff has been
augmented for the special study by the Director of Disaster Relief,
Director of Personnel, Administrative Assistant, and three General Field
Representatives, all of whom met with the Home Service group on the 10th
and 11th [November 1941].13

These must be the Washington people mentioned in the previously cited 12
December press release, even though the release said five were from
Washington and six are named here. This group met with the Home Service group
early in the month as part of a special Pacific emphasis. When they were
deployed to Hawaii is not stated, but it was in time to be on-site for the
Pearl Harbor attack. The national Red Cross office was giving particular
attention to the Pacific, which could be expected. But does any evidence
support the notion that they were given advance planning information of the
Pearl Harbor attack? A possible answer can be found in the diaries of William
Castle, a former Under Secretary of State whose brother Alfred was the
Chairman of the Red Cross in Hawaii. On 26 December 1941, William received
his first correspondence from brother Alfred after the bombing on 7 December
and recorded in his diary:

This morning I actually had letters from Alfred in Honolulu. . . . Alfred
and his family always go to the country for the week-end; this was the
first time this year they had not gone. Alfred said that he felt the moment
to be exceedingly critical and that he did not want to be out of town. This
remark made me think very hard, because it would suggest that they knew in
Honolulu, far better than we did here, how critical the situation was.14

Alfred Castle's daughter Gwendolyn remembers an unusual conversation with her
father about going to the Laie house on Friday, 5 December. She wrote:

Indeed, I do know why Father and Mother didn't go to Laie the weekend of
December 7th. Father felt that, from news he had received from letters from
Uncle Billy [William Castle] in Washington war with Japan was imminent.
Charlie (my then-husband) and I wanted to use the Laie house that weekend
as we had been invited to the Spaldings' (nearby) for tennis and lunch on
Sunday. On Friday Father called me and said he would rather we wouldn't go
to Laie as he felt a Japanese attack was imminent. I told Charlie that when
he came home that evening, and he said that as the navy had its patrol
planes 2,000 miles out there was no way the Japanese could have a surprise
attack. I told Father this the next day, and he reluctantly agreed to let
us go. So of course that is where we were when the attack came that Sunday

The timing of this conversation two days before the Pearl Harbor attack
raises a question, especially since William Castle's diary entries do not
support the reason given by Alfred for knowing that an attack by the Japanese
was imminent. It appears that Alfred was covering another confidential source
by using his brother's name. No one would question that the former Under
Secretary of State would have confidential sources and that he might convey
such information. The Castle family has indicated that the former Hawaii Red
Cross chairman had many confidential sources, and much of his correspondence
or notes of conversations no longer exist.

Taken alone, this might mean nothing and be merely coincidental, but the
comments reflect a striking correlation with actions by some of President
Roosevelt's closest staff 6,000 miles away. The President's Naval Aide,
Captain John R. Beardall, had come unannounced to the White House in full
uniform for Sunday duty, a first since his arrival in May 1941. Beardall
testified in the congressional hearings on the Pearl Harbor attack in 1946
that he also put his staff on 24-hour duty for the first time beginning
Friday, 5 December 1941. His response to questioning from Senator Homer
Ferguson (R-MI) used almost the same language as Castle, even though they
were recorded years apart and no evidence exists that the two had never
conversed: "The situation was getting more tense in the diplomatic relations,
and I wanted somebody to be there in case I was going out for dinner or
somewhere else . . . ."15 Beardall was someone with direct access to
MAGIC--the deciphered intercepts of Japanese diplomatic messages. So how was
it that Alfred Castle came up with this language and stayed home that weekend
in Honolulu? This appears to be evidence of contact with someone who either
had access, or was being advised by someone with access, to MAGIC

As Hamman pointed out in her letter, her father had top-secret clearance and
was privy to other secret operations during the war. Why not this one?

Budget Activity

In fall 1941, the Red Cross conducted its most aggressive peacetime annual
"Roll Call" fundraising campaigns, with national coverage and using
well-known personalities and heavy business involvement. Most of the cabinet
officers, particularly high military officials, gave significantly throughout
the fall on behalf of the Roll Call. Behind the scenes, some unusual
budgetary activity was taking place. Red Cross records show the change from
peacetime to wartime before the Pearl Harbor attack.

At the meeting of the American Red Cross Central Committee on 24 June 1941,
committee members adopted its first resolution moving it to a war footing:

That the Central Committee hereby approves the following general provisions
with reference to a possible campaign for a national Defense Fund, or for a
War Relief Fund in the event of the involvement of this country in war. It
is recognized that the development of events and other unforeseen
conditions may require some adaptation of these general provisions and the
Chairman is authorized to take such steps in this connection as seem to him
wise and necessary.16

he provisions that follow the resolution recognize:

hat the National Defense activities or the War Relief activities, if this
country becomes involved, will require the participation of practically the
entire organization and activities of the Red Cross, and that it is not
practicable to segregate these activities in such a way as to finance some
of them from the General Fund and others from the National Defense or the
War Relief Fund or the Foreign War Relief Fund.

he Chairman is authorized, if in his judgment the timing of events makes
such a step necessary, to combine the fund raising campaign with the
regular annual Roll Call and the Junior enrollment, under such terms and
conditions as he may approve.

At the 16 September 1941 meeting of the central committee, the chairman was
authorized to make special arrangements for the national office to receive
more than the usual 50 cents from some of the larger membership gifts in the
intensified Roll Call drive.17 A member was defined as anyone giving more
than one dollar. The standard peacetime practice was for the national office
to receive 50 cents per membership, and the remainder of the gift would
remain with the chapters to fund their activities. The reason for the change
appears in the statement approved by the central committee:

It was recognized that major emergencies might develop before the Roll Call
which would require changes in the fund raising plans and the Chairman was
authorized to take appropriate steps should such emergencies occur.

On Saturday, 29 November 1941, DeWitt Smith sent three memos to key Red Cross
managers with an attachment for $1 million to finance expenditures not
covered in the current budget. This had been approved by the chairman the day
before, using the emergency authority. Smith also wrote in the cover memo
that they should not wait until the end of December as planned to revamp the
budget but should do so at the end of November. The date of the memo being 29
November, this was an order to make an immediate revision of the budget,
because the next day was the end of the month.18 Most of the materials were
for running a massive support system for servicemen after the war had begun.
But the war had not begun; this was eight days before the Pearl Harbor


The role played by the Red Cross at Pearl Harbor has been neglected by
historians, mostly because accounts inevitably focus on the military attack.
In all of the confusion after the Japanese attack and with military
censorship, the arrival and activities of Red Cross medical workers at all of
the major military locations immediately before the Pearl Harbor attack were
not questioned, most likely because of the high esteem in which the
organization always had been held. Their arrival had been coordinated quietly
from Washington and even most of the workers themselves--although some seem
to have had more information--thought it a mere coincidence that they were
there just before the attack. But thanks to Don Smith's daughter, it is now
known that it was no accident that specific pieces were in place in the nick
of time. It appears to have been part of a planned operation within the rapid
overall growth of the Red Cross.

In 1941, only a small group of people close to President Roosevelt were the
real players and were actually part of the decision-making process. Many of
these same people were also on the Red Cross Board. In effect, the Red Cross
became an extension of their policy-execution process, which explains why the
personnel and budget activities so closely paralleled White House insiders'
knowledge and decision-making. They could operate quietly, without the rest
of Washington knowing. The location of the Red Cross two blocks from the
White House and the State Department (now the Old Executive Office Building)
made this even easier. And in the case of the Red Cross, some of President
Roosevelt's closest war advisers and some who received MAGIC intelligence
were the same ones who served on the Red Cross board and sat on its central
committee. This included the President's physician, Rear Admiral Ross T.
McIntire, the Navy Department representative and the Navy Surgeon General;
Sumner Wells, the Under Secretary of State; and Harry Hopkins (who was
closely involved with the Red Cross Roll Call in fall 1941 and was appointed
to the central committee in 1942).19

The relationship between the Red Cross, the military, and the White House
always has been close, but at no time does it appear to have been closer than
just before the outbreak of the Pacific War at Pearl Harbor.

Mr. Borgquist is media affairs officer for the Community Relations Service
Headquarters, U.S. Department of Justice. He also is a U.S. Naval Reserve
public affairs officer. The views reflected here are his own. This article
was not prepared as part of any of his offical duties.

1. Department of Defense Investigation, "Memorandum for the Secretary of
Defense: Advancement of Rear Admiral Kimmel and Major General Short" (also
known as the "Dorn Report") signed by Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel and Readiness, Edwin Dorn, 15 December 1995.
2. Annual Report for the Year Ending June 30, 1940, Hawaii Chapter of the
American Red Cross, p. 1. The Hawaii Chapter and the National Archives do not
have copies in their collections. What is likely the last existing copy of
the document is in the Hawaii War Records Depository, University of Hawaii,
Manoa, document #59.02.
3. LGEN Walter C. Short, Army Day Speech, Exhibit 1-O, "Proceedings of the
Army Pearl Harbor Board," found at pp. 2607-2610, Part 30, in the Hearings
before the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack,
U.S. Congress
, 1946.
4. American Red Cross, 1935-1946, National Archives Record Group 200
(Hereafter cited as ARC 1935-1946, RG 200), "1940-1941 Annual Report of
Military and Naval Welfare Service." The general history of the ARC in World
War II is in Box 1.
5. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 1705 Serial Code 900.11/6131 P.O.A., File:
"Station Hospital, Hickam Field, TH."
6. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 1705, Serial Code 900.11/6131, P.O.A., File:
"Hawaii Area--218th General Hospital."
7. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Boxes 456-457, Serial Code 187.211 (C 141.02).
8. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 14, Serial Code 020.1801, Press Release #
67107, 12 December 1941. The success of the civilian defense organization and
credit for its planning belongs to LGEN Short, who devoted great effort to
this throughout 1941. Correspondence from a major Hawaiian business owner
after the war in Shortis papers at the U.S. Army Military History Institute
and Army War College Library, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, attest to
9. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 14, Serial Code 020.1801, Press Release #67047,
8 December 1941.
10. Same citation as in endnote 8.
11. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 164, Serial Code 140.18.
12. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 591, Serial # 300.02. Memorandum of 2 December
1941, with attachments; to Mr. Hunt, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Schafer; from DeWitt
Smith, "Subject: Proposed utilization of volunteers on the national
organization staff."
13. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 185, Serial Code 140.14 Document at this
location is coded 140.18 H.S.
14. Diaries of William Richardson Castle, unpublished, Houghton Library,
Harvard University, ms Am 2021, vol. 42, page 320.
15. Hearings before the Joint Committee of the Pearl Harbor Attack, U.S.
Congress, Part 10, 15, 16, 18, 19, and 20 February 1946, pp. 5280-5283.
16. "Minutes of the Central Committee Meeting," 24 June 1941, memorandum
dated 25 June 1941. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 112, Serial Code 114.22, File:
"Central Committee."
17. "Minutes of September 16, 1941, Meeting of the ARC Central Committee,"
memorandum dated 18 October 1941. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 112.
18. ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 579, Serial code 240.12 S.A. 7. Memorandum
from DeWitt Smith, Director, Domestic Operations to Mr. Betts, dated 29
November 1941, "Additional Appropriations."
19. Two American Red Cross lists provide a good overview of board composition
during this critical time period: "Members of the Central Committee During
the World War II Period" and "Members of the Central and Executive Committee
for 1941." ARC 1935-1946, RG 200, Box 110. McIntire's whereabouts on 7
December 1941, are described generally in his autobiography, Ross T.
McIntire, White House Physician
(New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1946), pp.

Published May/June 1999

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