-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find excerpts from this book.

Sincerely, Neil Brick

This may be heavy for survivors to read.

> forwarded with permission :
> excerpts from Psychic Dictatorship in the USA
> by Alex Constantine - Chapter 1
> The Hidden History of CIA and Pentagon
> Electromagnetic Mind Control Experiments
> on Involuntary Human Subjects....
> Early Giants of Remote Mind Control
> The CIA's experiments in radio control of the brain are based on the
> development of the EEG in the 1920s. In 1934  Drs. Chaffee and Light
> published a pivotal monograph, "A Method for Remote Control of Electrical
> Stimulation of the Nervous System." Work along the same lines allowed Dr.
> Jose Delgado of Cordoba, Spain to climb into bull-ring and, with the push of
> a button, trigger an electrode in the head of a charging bull and stop the
> beast in its tracks.
> Further groundbreaking advances were made by  L.L. Vasiliev, the famed
> Russian Phy  siologist and doyan of parapsychology, in "Critical Evaluation
> of the Hypnogenic Method." The article detailed the experiments of Dr. I.F.
> Tomashevsky in remote radio control of the brain, "at a distance of one or
> more rooms and under conditions where the participant would not know or
> suspect that she would be experimented with.... One such experiment was
> carried out in a park at a distance," Vasiliev reported, and "a
> post-hypnotic mental suggestion to go to sleep was complied with within a
> minute."
> By 1956 Curtiss Shafer, an electrical engineer for the Norden-Ketay
> Corporation, could explore the possibilities at the National Electronics
> Conference in Chicago. "The ultimate achievement of biocontrol may be man
> himself," Shafer said. "The controlled subjects would never be permitted to
> think as individuals. A few months after birth, a surgeon would equip each
> child with a socket mounted under the scalp and electrodes reaching selected
> areas of brain tissue." In this psycho-Arcadia, "sensory perceptions and
> muscular activity could be either modified or completely controlled by
> bioelectric signals radiating from state-controlled transmitters." The CIA
> had already rushed headlong into Shafer's EMR dystopia with the founding of
> an experimental mind control clinic in Montreal, directed by the notorious
> D. Ewen Cameron, M.D. on grants from the Rockefeller Foundation and J.D.
> McConnell of the Montreal Star. Another pool of funding was the Gerschickter
> Foundation, named for Dr. Charles Gerschickter of Georgetown University
> Hospital, who had tested potent drugs on mental patients and the terminally
> ill, and bombarded monkeys with radar waves until they passed out, at the
> behest of the CIA....
> Psychic Dictatorship
> Chapter 2
> SDI as a Cover Story for the R&D of
> Electromagnetic/Cybernetic Mind Control Technology
> In 1976 William Bise, director of the Pacific Northwest Center for the
> Study of Non-Ionizing Radiation in Portland, compiled a report on
> "Radio-Frequency Induced Interference Responses in the Human Nervous
> System." Dr. Bise's experiments demonstrated that the irradiation of four of
> his human subjects in an electromagnetic field of 65-90 microvolts per meter
> caused impairment of memory and concentration. The Pacific Northwest
> experiments were a small part of a sprawling research effort, conceived by
> the Department of Defense toward the development of an arsenal of
> electromagnetic (EM) weapons, often sweetened in public by military
> spokesmen as "non-lethal."
> True, the biological effects of low-intensity EMR are scarcely more than
> an annoyance. The famous Taos hum, a baffling low-frequency vexation first
> reported in 1989 by residents of northern New Mexico, was one of several
> incidents of urban radio-frequency (RF) saturation. At the time, scientific
> investigators were unable to explain the low-pitch rumble blamed for a
> sudden outbreak of headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness and a general feeling of
> discomfort.
> (A few years later, it emerged that Los Alamos Labs in Albuquerque had in
> development EM weapons capable of producing the same effects. The non-lethal
> defense program is run by John Alexander, an Army veteran, psychic
> enthusiast and walking Terrorist1s Cookbook with a doctorate in Thanatology,
> the study of death.) But "non-lethal" weapons are potentially no more
> "humane" than the conventional type - a simple RF pulse can kill as readily,
> and as painfully, as a fusillade of black talons.

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