Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
Excerpts from FCF Programming and Other FCF Projects
June 4, 2001

Maryland Home Schoolers Fight for their Rights
by Paul M. Weyrich
>From the "Endangered Liberties" Television Program

Contest after contest. The national spelling bee. The National Geography
bee. Home schoolers coming in first place and second place, year after year,
again and again. How embarrassing for the public school system. For that
matter, how embarrassing even for the private and parochial school systems.
You had to figure that the empire would strike back sooner or later.

Well it has recently happened in Maryland where Ms. Mary Simmons has been
cited by the State of Maryland with 72 counts of Criminal Truancy. What is
her crime? She refused to let the State of Maryland dictate to her what
curriculum she would use to educate her 6-year-old daughter Mary Sharon.
According to Michelle Malkin, writing in, Ms. Simmons and her
retired husband John Stafford, chose lesson plans created by the Our Lady of
the Rosary School system of Kentucky. Malkin examined their course outline
and said it would put any modern education system to shame. It included all
of the basics, such as reading, math, spelling, social studies, science,
phonics and so on. But it also taught the Catholic faith. There was Latin as
well. That school system, which goes from kindergarten through high school,
featured G.K Chesterton and T.S. Eliot as well as Cicero, from which to

But for Maryland officials, this wasn't good enough. And when Ms. Simmons
told them to mind their own business, that she and her husband were
perfectly capable of knowing what was best to be taught to their child, the
state lowered the boom.

In many states, parents must meet state requirements in order to home
school.  Ms. Simmons thinks that there is an anti-Catholic bias in the
attitude of the state, a view shared by the Home School Legal Defense Fund
which is handling their case.  Given the anti-Catholic origins of the whole
public school movement, it wouldn't be surprising.

This case has serious implications. If the state imposes a course of studies
on home schooled students, then it can impose its ideology on them as well.
Thus one of the purposes of home schooling, to bypass the political
correctness of the state, is defeated.

Let us hope and pray that in the end Mary Simmons wins and the State of
Maryland has to retreat. If not, and she loses, and it is appealed and she
loses all the way to the Supreme Court, it will mean the practical end of
the brightest light in our nation's future, namely home schooling. Either
home schooling parents have the freedom to operate as they see fit or home
schooling becomes just another branch of the oppressive state.  In that case
it may be better to have the public schools inflict the damage. At least
then it will be clear that Mommy and Daddy don't approve.

Paul Weyrich is president of the Free Congress Foundation.
For media inquiries, contact Notra Trulock  202.546.3000 /
For other questions or comments, contact Angie Wheeler

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