-Caveat Lector-

Well this is what Hitler did......they want to take guns away from UN,
fine - disarm the peacemaker's first for they have the arsenals, etc.

Imagine my quiet suburb totally disarmed.......even take away our
Rotweilers and Pit Bulls.....and hire a handful of police whose primary
targets in life are giving traffic tickets for not wearing seat belts
and speeding?

Now you want to see a great yellow streak and not up center of portions
of highways, continue to TRY to distroy the militias, take away the guns
from suburbanites - and watch - you will wonder where the yellow went -
for our police would be the first, to give up for they would be out

But this element will also have to abolish the County Sheriff's the only
lawfully elected law enforcement agency.....

Others are all appointed....

So wait till the EU starts its boots marching across Europe with their
PRIVATE armies?
Supported by the UN?

You see like homosexuals they are, they are using the rear exit to push
their programs on law abiding citizens - and believe me, if they are
successful  the homosexuals will be the first ones, to be given the

Remember the Alamo.

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