-Caveat Lector-

Update: Disclosure Project -- a political context.

National Affairs Correspondent
The American UFO Newsletter
Washington, DC  USA

(X-Ref: NRO, Space Policy, Space Weaponization; UFO/ET Disclosure, et al.)

Dick Farley refs.  Larry Bryant's letter to Senator John Warner (appended):

No doubt this following news story is simple coincidence, but that point may
be lost on Senator Warner as a UFO faction apparently seeks some "resonance"
with the Disclosure Project's effort? Might it not be prudent to couch
assessment of the UFO issue as presented by Greer, et al., in their own
expressed context, i.e., space weapons? Why focus on this element of "the UFO
problem" to the exclusion of a range of alternative or collateral
possibilities, like "mind control" or "theologicals" or psychiatrically
driven misperceptions, or even good old counterintelligence "ops"?

I note that few have commented on the political context of Greer's, et al.'s,
media event and the seeming "breakdown" of its internal structure since
astronaut and "spiritual pioneer" Edgar Mitchell has apparently disavowed
Disclosure Project's use of his and astronaut Gordon Cooper's names in their
promotional materials and advance news blurbs. And it is notable that "retail
UFO" operatives of the longer-standing variety are uniformly opposed to
Greer's efforts and have been "wheeling the guns around" and targeting Greer,
Sheehan & Company. Why this odd behavior?

Can we see any subtle ironies in a wrapping of traditional UFOlogical issues
in the Greer-Sheehan-Rosin "peace-through-surrender" approach to "ET alien
contact?" I appreciate that many believe Disclosure Project to be simply a
counter-intell spin as was run during the first "Star Wars" bluff of the
USSR, with many of the same folks as principles who later surfaced as key
"UFO alien abduction" advocates. This one is now aimed at the PRC and Russia
as a means of advancing our nonproliferation agenda without our having to
build any "whiz-bang" space weapons just now, and certainly not having to
drag a saucer or two out of their "Hangar 18's" or "Area 51's" resting places
and see light of budgetary day on The Hill or be subjected to a UN treaty
bargaining process or spark a new space race to exploit exotic technology.
The diplomats and most military leaders of all three nations certainly see
through this, so is this UFO gig a campaign to stimulate various sympathetic
constituencies in the three big nations? Who is really paying for it and what
are its deeper goals?

That plus the history of Daniel Sheehan's political involvements, and Carol
Rosin's seeming "apologia" for Werner Von Braun's Nazi past (at Saturday's
Disclosure Project symposium, which had a "no audio or video recording" rule
but which I did attend, including Rosin's and Greer's final speeches), make
this effort problematic.

Do they seriously expect any Hill staffers to look favorably on any of this?

Here we must note that there seem to be real controversies inside the
government and among our intell folks about weaponizing space. No less a
"space peacenik" than USAF Lt. Col. Bruce M. DeBlois, writing in the Winter
1998 issue of "Airpower Journal"
advocates preserving a "Space Sanctuary: A Viable National Strategy." DeBlois
is reported to be Division Chief of Strategic Studies and Assessments at the
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). And current SecDEF Rumsfeld's advocacy
for the NMD Shield and A-SAT defensive and offensive weapons notwithstanding,
DeBlois apparently is not alone at Pentagonia in believing that space should
be off-limits for "EarthWar," fearing that a space-weapons race is unwinnable
yet prone to limitless escalation. Perhaps that is partly why Rumsfeld last
week said he will assign one of his new Assistant Secretaries of the Air
Force to direct the NRO, while a four-star USAF general will be named to
overall command of US space forces and asssets?

The reference to DeBlois and his article is included in a book review of "On
the Edge of Space: The Future of American Space Power," authored by Stephen
Lambakis and published in 2001 by University Press of Kentucky, reviewed by
Mike Moore for The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (May/June 2001, page 68-71).
Mr. Lambakis, an analyst at the National Institute for Public Policy
according to the review, calls US space policy for the past 50 years
"schizophrenic," then: "argues that it's time to abandon the sanctuary policy
and get on with the task of exploiting space more fully. Quoting Lambakis (in
the review): "The US way of war requires superiority in all of the
war-fighting environments. The ability to control space, therefore, will be a
critical component of a future deterrence strategy to prevent hostile acts in
space and on Earth." (End quote.)

Obviously, neither "invading space aliens" or more traditional terrestrial
adversaries will look with sanguinity on American development deployment of
current space or NMD (national missile defense) Shield's rather mundane
first-round technology, let alone the more exotic "whiz-bang, gee-whiz"
machinery rumored to be in the works, whether it was "captured and
reverse-enginnered from ET aliens" or from old Nazis.

Without going into greater depth (or "outer space") at this juncture, we can
readily see where the "UFO Disclosure" battlelines might be drawn on
terrestrial policies.

As with that earlier White House UFO Disclosure Initiative (Clinton
administration) funded by Laurance S. Rockefeller beginning in October 1992
and continuing into June 1994 (before Mr. R's later sidestepping, after
allegedly being "read in," into a conventional UFO gambit), to a significant
degree the "UFO controversy" has always been about: arms control and nuclear
disarmament; strategic nationalist power vs. global warfighting management;
and "who speaks for Earth" based on what values.

As we watch this latest installment of "The Circle Game," let's not kid
ourselves or each other beyond the boundaries of fun and good taste? Too much
is on the line!
Dick Farley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> *
National Affairs Correspondent
The American UFO Newsletter
Washington, DC  USA

* <http://www.headlinebooks.com/chapters/mental.html>

For the "Matrix of UFO Beliefs" as presented to the Clinton White House in
1993 and a commentary authored by "Matrix" developer Dick Farley about how it
came to be, see THIS web page for "UFOs and Mental Health," by Bob Teets, at
the Headline Books web site. This referenced web page contains the real story
about Laurance Rockefeller's first "UFO Disclosure Initiative" to the White
House. Spin or revisionism notwithstanding, this is the published version ...
unchallenged by the principals ... because IT'S ALL TRUE! Letters
(unpublished) from former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird to then SecDEF
designate Les Aspin convey what was really under consideration for
disclosure. At the time, Mr. Laird was working on behalf of funder Laurance
S. Rockefeller. Also "in the loop" were evangelist Billy Graham, whose "Dear
Billy" letter from Rockefeller (not yet in public circulation but "coming
soon") outlined the other signatories Laurance had in mind for helping to
persuade President Clinton to tell Americans "about UFOs" (Maurice Strong;
Sen. Ted Stevens, etc.). Steven Greer was involved peripherally at this
point, moving into alliance with Mr. Rockefeller and later falling out of
favor and having his (Greer's) approach allegedly hijacked by conventional
"UFO spinners." But that's another story for another time.

Washington, DC USA
- - - - +

South Pacific group opposed to U.S. missile shield

SYDNEY, May 16 (Reuters) - A Pacific region human rights group on Wednesday
called on the South Pacific to oppose U.S. plans to develop a missile shield,
saying the region should not again become a weapons testing ground.

The Fiji-based Pacific Concerns Resource Centre (PCRC) said U.S. missile
defence would involve test firings from the Kwajalein atoll in the Marshall

"In the long term, tests could spark a new nuclear arms race and restart
nuclear testing in the Pacific," said the PCRC, an umbrella group for various
civil groups and non-governmental organisations in the region.

"It is vital that Pacific island leaders unite in opposition to the Star Wars
project -- the region should not be used as a testing ground for U.S. weapons

Australia, the largest country in the South Pacific, is one of the few
nations to publicly back President George W. Bush's missile shield plan.

The South Pacific is deeply anti-nuclear after being used for many years by
the large colonial powers for nuclear tests.

France conducted extensive atom bomb tests in its Pacific atolls, many of the
earlier ones atmospheric explosions, until 1996. The United States carried
out tests on the Bikini atoll in the Marshall Islands until 1958.

The multi-billion dollar national missile defence plan is opposed by China
and Russia. U.S. officials say it would not be aimed at them but rather at
deterring ballistic missile launches by "rogue" states, such as North Korea
and Iraq.

The United States has already carried out several test firings of
anti-missile missiles. A U.S. military base in Kwajalein is used to fire the
"kill engine" while targets are launched from California.

01:15 05-16-01

Copyright 2001 Reuters Limited.
- - - - +
TO:  Honorable John Warner
     United States Senate
     Washington, DC  20510

FROM:  Larry W. Bryant
       3518 Martha Custis Drive
       Alexandria, VA  22302
       Phone:  (703) 931-3341
       E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DATE:  May 15, 2001


Once you review the following draft "Extension of Remarks" entry for
timely insertion into the Congressional Record, I ask that you furnish
me the name, telephone number, and e-mail address of a senior
point-of-contact in your office with whom I may consult on any further
coordination of this action:

TITLE:  A Call for the Truth on UFO-E.T. Reality

TEXT [see below]:

During the second week of May, 2001, a public-interest organization
listed on the Internet as http://www.DisclosureProject.org
hand-delivered to all my colleagues in the Senate and House a lengthy
"Briefing Paper" presenting certain UFO/E.T.-coverup evidence that
raises serious questions about the role of our nation's
military-industrial complex in both harvesting and sequestering the
highly advanced technology derived from so-called crash-landed "flying
saucers" during the past 50-some years.

The crux of that evidence lies in the publicly voiced and recorded
testimony of scores of former military/intelligence personnel who've
concluded that the Executive Branch's policies and practices in dealing
with UFO-E.T. reality have worked to the detriment of self-government
and preparedness of society worldwide.  These whistleblowers now are
imploring us to offer them a safe, open forum by which to come forward
with ALL their evidence as to who did what (and why) toward excluding
the Congress and the public from the decisionmaking process on this
vital public issue.

Accordingly, I urge my colleagues to analyze and weigh the current (and
any subsequent) disclosure evidence in terms of what the Congress can do
to advance this citizens movement for greater UFO-E.T. freedom of
information and accountability.

One of my constituents, Larry W. Bryant of Alexandria, Va., has
developed a "UFO/E.T.-Coverup Deathbed Confession Form," by which
prospective whistleblowers may attest to and document their personal
experience with UFO encounters and/or with the attendant official UFO
secrecy.  Mr. Bryant recently has posted the form on the Internet's
"Daily Newspaper of the Web"  -- http://www.im-ur.com.

As he and I await the emergence of additional disclosure evidence, I
urge all persons privy to it to contact me immediately -- so that its
history can be preserved and its future can be assured.

  *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

Thank you, Senator, for any further assistance and support you might
render in this matter.

                    Larry W. Bryant

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