-Caveat Lector-

Lockerbie was an impossible verdict


The conviction left a disturbing list of unanswered questions

Richard Norton-Taylor

Tuesday June 19, 2001

On January 31, after an eight-month trial, three Scottish judges, sitting
in a special court at Camp Zeist in the Netherlands, found a Libyan
intelligence officer, Ali Al-Megrahi, guilty of the Lockerbie bombing -
Britain's biggest mass murder - acquitting his colleague, Khalifa Fhimah.

Two days earlier, senior Foreign Office officials briefed a group of
journalists in London. They painted a picture of a bright new chapter in
Britain's relations with Colonel Gadafy's regime. They made it quite clear
they assumed both the Libyans in the dock would be acquitted.

The FO officials were not alone. Most independent observers believed it
was impossible for the court to find the prosecution had proved its case
against Megrahi beyond reasonable doubt.

It was not only the lack of hard evidence - something the judges admitted
in their lengthy judgment. The case was entwined, if the judges were
right, in a sequence of remarkable coincidences.

Doubts about the prosecution's case and the judges' verdict are spelled
out in Cover-Up of Convenience, published this week. Two journalists, John
Ashton and Ian Ferguson, examine in detail what Paul Foot has already
succinctly written in Private Eye's special report, Lockerbie, The Flight
from Justice.

For more than a year, western intelligence agencies pointed to the Popular
Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command, led by Ahmed
Jibril. It is not hard to see why. Two months before the Lockerbie
disaster, German police arrested members of the PFLP-GC near Frankfurt
where, according to the prosecution, the bag containing the bomb was
placed on the Pan Am airliner.

Among those arrested was Marwan Khreesat, who was found with explosives
and a Toshiba cassette player similar to the one said to have contained
the bomb. Khreesat was released. It was later revealed he was a Jordanian
double agent.

The Jordanians did not allow him to appear as a witness at the trial.
Instead, he was interviewed by an FBI agent, Edward Marshman. Marshman
described how Khreesat told him how he infiltrated the PFLP-GC, how a
second Toshiba bomb had gone missing, and about his contacts with another
member of Jibril's group, Abu Elias, said to be an expert in airline

Elias is mentioned in a report written by Mobdi Goben, another member of
the PFLP-GC, shortly before he died. The Goben memorandum claims Elias
planted the bomb in the luggage of Khalid Jaafar, a Lebanese American
passenger allegedly involved in a CIA-approved heroin-smuggling operation.
The luggage used for these operations, it is claimed, bypassed normal
security screening.

The prosecution asked a "foreign government", believed to be Syria, to
hand over information about Goben's allegations. Syria refused. Syria was
central to the original explanation. This was that the bombing was funded
by Iran in retaliation for the mistaken shooting down of an Iranian
airliner by an American warship, the USS Vincennes, over the Persian Gulf
in July 1988.

There is a widespread view that the US and Britain changed their tack when
they badly needed Syria's support, and Iran's quiescence, for the Gulf war
after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990. They thus fingered the two
Libyans, insisting they placed the bomb in an unaccompanied bag at Malta's
Luqa airport, where it was transferred to the Pan Am plane at Frankfurt.
An earlier Palestinian suspect, Abu Talb, had also visited Malta. He was
later held in Sweden on terrorist charges and identified by the British as
a prime suspect.

You don't have to look for conspiracies - maybe Jaafar's presence on the
plane has an entirely innocent explanation - to question the prosecution's
version of events. US authorities issued a series of specific warnings
about a bomb threat before Lockerbie. These, and intelligence reports
implicating Iran, were dismissed as speculative or hoaxes.

The evidence of Tony Gauci, the Maltese shop owner was extremely shaky. He
was uncertain about dates and the weather that day. He told the police the
purchaser was "six foot or more" and over 50. Megrahi was five foot eight
inches and 37 at the time.

According to Ashton and Ferguson, replica MST-13 timers - implicating
Megrahi but only presented as evidence after a long delay - were
manufactured by the CIA but that information was not passed to the
defence. The evidence of Abdul Giaka, a Libyan who defected to the CIA and
star prosecution witness, was described by the judges as "at best
exaggerated, at worst simply untrue".

The judgment is littered with assumptions and criticisms of prosecution
witnesses. They refer to a "mass of conflicting evidence". Megrahi has
lodged an appeal. The Scottish appeal judges surely owe it to the victims'
families to explain the string of unanswered questions.

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