The Scouting Legal Defense Fund
Action Alert!

We need your help to get equal time on public television for the defenders of Scouting 
to tell the Scouts’ side of the controversy over prohibiting openly homosexual men 
from serving as scoutmasters. 

Last night, June 19, Public Television aired a program, “Scouts Honor,” about this 
controversy.  This program was largely created by a group of homosexual activists.  
Not surprisingly, it was clearly sympathetic to their cause and hostile to the 
position of the Scouts.  There appears to be no plan by PBS to air a pro-Scout program 
to balance this one, certainly not in the near future. 

This program was largely funded by a group called the Independent Television Service 
(ITVS), an organization that actually is largely taxpayer funded.  The taxpayers also 
largely support PBS.  

We think this taxpayer support means that both organizations have an obligation to 
fund and to air a program that gives those of us who defend the Scouts an equal 
opportunity to present our side.   

If you agree, please take a few minutes to do two things. 

First, visit our Website, , and send an email to both 
PBS and ITVS telling them that as a taxpayer you want them to give the defenders of 
Scouting equal support and air time. We have a prepared e-mail message you can quickly 
and easily send to each of them.  

Second, please forward this e-mail on to others whom you think would support the 
Scouts in this way.   Again, we provide an easy way on our Web site to send them a 
short prepared message asking them to help.    

While it is only fair that both sides of this issue should be given equal taxpayer 
funded time and resources, the liberal nature of both of these organizations means 
that this will not happen unless they hear from thousands of taxpayers like you who 
support Scouting. 

Thanks for whatever you can do to help Defend Scouting!


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