Is it possible that the Rabbi Washington, of the House of Israel brought
about the murder of Jim Jones....note the same charges against Jones, as
was brought against David Koresh....child abuse, etc., etc., etec.

Seems strange these two were next door neighbors; regardless, when Rabbi
Washington returned to America some years later he was picked up on old
murder charge - Mark Lane of course, escaped through the
write another book.

Why has this Washington been given what seems to be special treatment?



The House of Israel was established by an American fugitive, David Hill,
also known as Rabbi Edward Washington, who arrived in Guyana in 1972.
The cult had no ties to traditional Jewish religion but was a black
supremacist movement. In the 1970s, the group claimed a membership of
8,000. The House of Israel had a daily radio program in which it
preached that Africans were the original Hebrews and needed to prepare
for a racial war.

Opponents of the government claimed that the House of Israel constituted
a private army for Guyana's ruling party, the People's National Congress
(PNC). During an anti-government demonstration, a House of Israel member
murdered a Roman Catholic priest because he was on the staff of a
religious opposition newspaper, the Catholic Standard. The House of
Israel also engaged in strikebreaking activities and disruptions of
public meetings.

Critics of the government alleged that House of Israel members acted
with impunity during the government of Linden Forbes Burnham.

However, under Hugh Desmond Hoyte, Burnham's successor, Rabbi Washington
and key associates were arrested on a long-standing manslaughter charge
and imprisoned.

Guyana acquired international notoriety in 1978 following a mass
murder-suicide at the commune of the People's Temple of Christ, which
had been led by the Reverend Jim Jones, of Oakland, California.

In 1974 the
People's Temple, a utopian commune, leased a tract of land near Port
Kaituma in western Guyana to escape from mounting scrutiny of the group
by California authorities. The government welcomed the People's Temple
in part because of its interest in populating the interior of the
country, especially the area claimed by Venezuela, where Jonestown was

Members of the People's Temple also became close to PNC leaders, and the
group was allowed to function without interference from the government.
(Saba Note:  of what strategic importance was Guyana?   To bring the
Rabbi Washington in - a murderer as a next door neighbor? )

Allegations of atrocities by commune leaders and charges that the
commune was holding people against their will led a United States
congressman, Leo Ryan, to go to Jonestown to investigate the allegations
of abuse.

Fearing that Congressman Ryan's report on the commune would bring
unwanted publicity and restrictions on his operations, Jones had the
congressman shot as he was boarding an airplane to return to Georgetown.
The United States immediately asked Guyana to send in its army.

Before the army could reach Jonestown, however, Jones coerced and
cajoled over 900 members of the commune to commit murder and suicide.

(Saba Note:  Who murdered Jim Jones and were members of Halle Bopp
Heaven's Gate Cult murdered - so many connections between these murders
from Waco to Halle Bopp, to Jonestown ......)

Data as of January 1992
2000 Report on Religious Liberty in Guyana Guyana: Index
Religion in Society
Religion an Politics
Religious Organizations
Obeah and Amerindian Practices
Guyana: Country Facts
Religion Around the World: Main Page
Source: Library of Congress Country Studies
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