-Caveat Lector-



Radio Free Dixie: Robert F. Williams and the Roots of Black Power
Timothy B. Tyson
Format: Paperback, 416pp.
ISBN: 0807849235
Publisher: University of North Carolina Press
Pub. Date: February  2001
>From the Publisher
Radio Free Dixie is the story of Robert F. Williams - one of the most
influential black activists of the generation that toppled Jim Crow, created
a new black sense of self, and forever altered the arc of American history.
In the late 1950s, as president of the Monroe, North Carolina, branch of the
NAACP, Williams and his followers used machine guns, dynamite, and Molotov
cocktails to confront Klan terrorists. Advocating "armed self-reliance" by
black Southerners, Williams challenged not only white supremacists but also
Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights establishment. Forced to flee
during the 1960s to Cuba - where he broadcast "Radio Free Dixie," a program
of black politics and music that could be heard as far away as Los Angeles
and New York City - and then China, Williams remained a controversial figure
for the rest of his life. Radio Free Dixie reveals that both the civil
rights movement and the Black Power movement, often portrayed in clashing
terms, grew out of the same soil, confronted the same predicaments, and
reflected the same quest for African American freedom.

What People Are Saying
Needs to be read by all who care about race, courage, and humanity. -Julian

 From the Critics
>From John Dittmer - Quarterly Black Review
Will change the way we think about the black freedom struggle of the 1950s
and early 1960s.

To read more about Quarterly Black Review, click here.

>From Glenda E. Gilmore - Quarterly Black Review
A spellbinding narrative that analyzes the making of black manhood in an era
that bridged Jim Crow and civil rights.

To read more about Quarterly Black Review, click here.

>From Julian Bond
A compelling story that...needs to be ready by all who care about race,
courage, and humanity. Robert Williams was an inspiration to many an a
threat to others; Tyson give him his proper due.

>From Publisher's Weekly
To some, the civil rights radical Robert Williams's philosophy of armed
self-defense was the very antithesis of Martin Luther King's nonviolent
resistance. However, each man represented a wing of the growing civil rights
movement, and both grasped and skillfully wielded the political leverage
that the dynamics of the Cold War afforded the civil rights cause. After a
stint in the army during WWII, Williams returned to his hometown in Monroe,
N.C., where he built a uniquely militant NAACP chapter and attracted
international attention to racist hypocrisy. When eventually forced by Ku
Klux Klan vigilantes and an FBI dragnet to abandon his activities and flee
the U.S. with his family in 1961, he found safe harbor in revolutionary
Cuba, where he produced Radio Free Dixie, a program of politics and music
broadcast to America. Written with the cooperation of Williams and his
family, Tyson's firecracker text crackles with brilliant and lasting images
of black life in the Carolinas and across the South in the '40s, '50s and
'60s. Liberally peppered with quotes from Williams, many taken from his
unpublished autobiography, While God Lay Sleeping, as well as from
interviews and radio tapes, the book is imbued with the man's voice and his
indefatigable spirit. An assistant professor of Afro-American studies at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison and the co-editor of Democracy Betrayed,
Tyson successfully portrays Williams as a troubled visionary, a strong,
stubborn and imperfect man, one who greatly influenced what became the Black
Power Movement and its young leaders. Photos. (Oct.) Copyright 1999 Cahners
Business Information.


Read an excerpt from the book

 Table of Contents
Introduction: On Trembling Earth
Chapter 1. The Legacies
Chapter 2. Wars for Democracy
Chapter 3. I'd Rather Die and Go to Hell
Chapter 4. The Kissing Case
Chapter 5. Communist Front Shouts Kissing Case to the World
Chapter 6. The Sissy Race of All Mankind
Chapter 7. Crusaders
Chapter 8. Cuba Libre
Chapter 9. When Fire Breaks Out
Chapter 10. Freedom Rider
Conclusion: Radio Free Dixie

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yardbird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2001 6:35 AM
Subject: Pink Pistols

> -Caveat Lector-
> "The mainstream press and the gay community have both treated the
emergence of Pink Pistols, which was inspired by an article by Jonathan
Rauch in the National Journal calling for just such an organization, as a
curious new phenomenon. Who would have thought that an organization sporting
a pink triangle in its logo would take up the "right-wing" cause of gun
> "The Pink Pistols are less a new phenomenon than a new twist on something
very old -- persecuted minorities protesting attempts to deprive them of the
means to defend themselves against violence."
> This is a fascinating article (with dozens of great links) on how gun
laws - even those with neutral intent - always end up targeting blacks,
homosexuals, the poor, etc.  BTW Atty. Ralph Sherman, chairman of Gunsafe,
has spoken to many groups on this subject and is available to speak to your
child's social studies class.  Just e-mail us.
> http://www.free-market.net/spotlight/minguns/

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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