-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 6/29/01 1:49:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< ISRAELS ultra-Orthodox Sephardi community was engulfed in a wave of
religious optimism after Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of the Shas
party, said that he had conversed with the Messiah in a dream.

Rabbi Ben-Zion Mutzafi, one of his followers, said that Rabbi Yosef had
told him that in his dream at the Western Wall plaza and in all of
Jerusalem there were only Jews . . . There were no non-Jewish foreigners
there. They had already been expelled (before the coming of the Messiah).

 Its former political leader, Arieh
Deri, is serving six years in jail for fraud.
Every Jew who is waiting for the Messiah sees in
the dream . . . significant tidings in anticipation of salvation.

Rabbi Mutzafi said: Until now we have not heard of anyone who saw the
Messiah in a dream. These things are evidence that salvation is nigh. >>

Sounds like wishful dreaming to me, along with a liberal dose of jews uber

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