-Caveat Lector-

The Fresno Bee

3rd Condit interview possible

Police deny reports that the congressman broke off ties to Chandra Levy.

By Michael Doyle
Bee Washington Bureau
(Published June 29, 2001)

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Gary Condit shed more light on missing intern Chandra
Levy in his recent interview with police detectives, but additional answers
could yet be needed, sources familiar with the interview say.

Executive Assistant Police Chief Terry Gainer told the Bee on Thursday
night that detectives might seek another interview with Condit, while
noting the congressman was "cooperative" when he met with police Saturday.

Gainer said investigators still are re-interviewing other Washington

Condit's camp is open to follow-up questions.

"It wouldn't be beyond reason," one informed source said of the possible
third interview.

Multiple sources described the hourlong session conducted by three
detectives Saturday afternoon as civil.

Condit's Washington lawyer, Abbe Lowell, sat in on the interview and set up
the meeting place, which was not disclosed.

"They asked all the questions that police would be expected to ask in a
missing-persons case," one source familiar with the interview said Thursday
night, "and the congressman answered them."

Precisely who said what during the second police interview with Condit
remains unclear, and various sources have characterized it in different

However, Gainer flatly termed as "balderdash" a Fox television news report
claiming Condit had told police he'd broken off a close friendship with
Levy -- supposedly driving Levy into an emotional tailspin -- two days
before her disappearance.

"The conversation did not take place," Gainer said. "We ought to put to
rest these outrageous rumors and innuendo."

Condit described Levy as a "good friend" in a written statement, but
through his staff has denied any romantic involvement.

It was not possible Thursday night to determine what kind of detailed
questions detectives asked about this friendship, and how Condit responded.

Police first interviewed Condit in his Washington, D.C., condominium last
month, after Levy's disappearance.

She was last seen April 30 and, according to Condit lawyer Joe Cotchett,
she had apparently tried to call Condit "four or five" times in the days
before she disappeared.

Cotchett speculated the former Bureau of Prisons intern was calling to say
goodbye before she left for California for good.

"I don't really think it would be worth it for me to stay in D.C. now,
since I have no job or school to keep me busy here," Levy wrote in an April
28 e-mail sent to her landlord. "I think I need to be in California for a
while to figure out what my next move is."

Among people still waiting to be interviewed is Carolyn Condit, the
congressman's wife, who was visiting in Washington between April 28 and May
3. She lives most of the year in Ceres.

Gainer did not confirm directly that it would be FBI agents rather than
Washington detectives talking to Carolyn Condit, but he noted, "I haven't
sent any Washington detectives to California."

The FBI maintains field offices in Sacramento, Modesto and Fresno, and the
bureau's special agents have been helping with the case from the beginning.

While detectives and FBI agents continue to interview, the reward fund for
information leading to Levy's safe return grows. It reached $45,000
Thursday with the addition of $5,000 by the publishers of the Journal of
Women's Health and Gender-based Medicine.

The New York-based medical journal offered the money along with the
observation that its readers might be precisely those most likely to
encounter a vulnerable young woman.

"If she has been hurt or harmed, a health-care professional might have seen
Chandra," magazine publisher Mary Ann Liebert said.

"However, women are often fearful or unable to reveal abuse, and
health-care practitioners could be misled either by the victim or someone
who may be accompanying her."

                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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