-Caveat Lector-


Chicago Sun-Times
June 28, 2001

Is Clinton-era corruption getting a pass?


On March 30 in Newark, N.J., lawyers from the conservative Judicial Watch
organization met representatives of four U.S. attorneys with an offer in
behalf of an unusual client. Peter Paul, a colorful Hollywood entrepreneur
under Justice Department investigation for stock manipulation, would give
information to prosecutors if he could return briefly from Sao Paulo,
Brazil, without fear of arrest. Included was his claimed contribution,
unreported to federal authorities, of nearly $2 million to Sen. Hillary
Clinton's 2000 campaign.

Two months of silence was broken June 12 when Alan Vinegrad, acting U.S.
attorney for the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn), brought a
securities fraud indictment against Paul. No interest was shown in the
proffer. The Clinton administration pattern appears to be continuing in the
Bush administration. Donors, not recipients, of specious political
contributions are prosecuted.

The Justice Department was never informed of the Paul proffer by the four
U.S. attorneys, who are all holdover Clinton political appointees or
interim civil servants. Judicial Watch's Larry Klayman has brought the case
to Bush appointees at Main Justice. But Attorney General John Ashcroft,
after his brutal confirmation, shows great deference to non-Bush U.S.
attorneys. The inclination is to ''move on'' rather than pursue the

Nevertheless, a lawsuit filed by Paul in Los Angeles June 19 against Bill
and Hillary Clinton paints a picture all too familiar in American political
fund-raising generally and by the Clintons particularly.

Paul in 1998 co-founded Stan Lee Media Inc. (SLM) with Stan Lee, creator of
''Spider-man,'' ''The Incredible Hulk'' and other comic book characters. He
claims he wanted President Clinton to honor Lee, but associates say Paul
really sought the president as a business partner after he left office.
What better way to woo him than by helping Hillary Clinton get elected?

Court papers show Paul claiming he ''spent approximately $1.9 million of
his own personal funds'' paying vendors for a lavish Hollywood ''tribute''
last Aug. 12 that raised a net $1.5 million for Clinton's candidacy.
Campaign finance lawyers see law violations in neither reporting this money
nor reimbursing Paul.

''Generally, we don't comment on Judicial Watch activities,'' Clinton
spokesman Jim Kennedy told me. The Clinton FEC filing shows a $500,000
''in-kind'' contribution by SLM, but actually, the company gave nothing.
Paul's canceled checks substantiate his $1.9 million unreported

Help for Hillary Clinton's campaign was not all that Paul promised. The
court filing asserts that in return for a one-year commitment to work for
SLM once the president left office, Paul last July offered him $10 million
in SLM stock, $5 million in cash and $1 million for the Clinton library.
Paul alleges that Chicago businessman Jim Levin conveyed this offer to the
White House and returned with a perquisite package including a Lincoln
bedroom stay and a Camp David weekend. Levin did not respond to my phone

On Aug. 14, Washington Post columnist Lloyd Grove reported that Paul spent
30 months in federal prison after a 1979 conviction for trying to swindle
Fidel Castro's government and cocaine possession. Hillary Clinton's
campaign immediately returned $2,000 directly contributed by Paul and his
wife but ignored the $1.9 million.

Paul says he sought a presidential pardon in September. Democratic Party
General Chairman Ed Rendell said ''he was working on it,'' the suit
alleges. Rendell told me his appointment book reflects no meeting with Paul
that late in the year. ''I can't recall any talk about a pardon,'' Rendell

Paul talked to me from Brazil this week, under the stipulation not to
discuss his indictment. Did he really think spending all that money for
Hillary Clinton's campaign would entice her husband into his firm? ''I
wonder if I was taken, and that's why this lawsuit was filed,'' he replied.
The question now is whether Paul will get what is known as a ''queen for a
day'' arrest-free visit to tell his story to prosecutors--if they want to

                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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