-Caveat Lector-

Eating Fetuses: The lurid Christian fantasy of godless Chinese eating
"unborn children."

by Miss Poppy Dixon, 10.2000


Blood Libel: Eating Childen
Blood libel [1] is the practice of accusing one's enemy of eating children.
Originally traced to pagans slandering early Christians it quickly adopted
the form it would take for the next two thousand years - that of Jews
murdering and eating Christian children, primarily for Passover. The
practice of blood libel has been revived in the US by Christian
conservatives, and is now aimed at their latest enemy, and most promising
market: the Chinese.

Beijing, 1995: The Godless Triad
The United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in
1995, was hosted live on the Internet - one of the first of such events on
the Web, and thousands of women the world over logged on. Conservative
Christians could not fathom why the rest of the world was not outraged by
the convergence of their three arch enemies: women, the communist Chinese,
and the Clintons. James Dobson, of the ultra-conservative Focus on the
Family book and radio empire, covered the event in his August 1995
newsletter titled, Position on United Nations Conference on Women. Uncertain
that he could move apathetic Americans with bland facts, Dobson quoted a
World Magazine article about the Chinese dining on aborted fetuses as
evidence of this godless triad.

"If [capital punishment] isn't enough to turn one's stomach, consider this:
According to World... human fetuses have begun to appear on menus of Chinese
restaurants as a delicacy and health tonic."

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