-Caveat Lector-


Both Clintons misused Arkansas state police

Bill had cops keep score on Jane Does; Hillary had them chauffeur her to

By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- Bill Clinton's misuse of Arkansas state police assigned to
security detail when he was governor didn't stop at procuring mistresses,
WorldNetDaily has learned. He also allegedly had them keep track of his
extramarital scoring.

After troopers picked him up from trysts with various Arkansas women,
Clinton allegedly would rate their performance in bed, giving points for
certain sex acts. He had troopers keep a record, say informed sources.

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, allegedly enlisted the troopers to chauffeur
to secret meetings with the late Vincent Foster, her law partner at the
time, at a resort hotel about 50 miles north of Little Rock, Ark., sources

Records of the trips, along with the sexual rating system, are contained in
several boxes recently returned to the state police by former Independent
Counsel Kenneth Starr's office, say sources familiar with the records. The
documents were subpoenaed in 1995 as part of the Whitewater investigation.

"The documents relate not only to Clinton state troopers dropping him off
and picking him up from his late-night sexual rendezvous with women, but
also to the ratings system," said a source familiar with the contents of

"They'd sit down and go over it [the rating system], and make little notes
and put them in a box," he said.

The boxes, which contain hundreds of other documents, were found stashed in
the attic of a home used by Chelsea Clinton's nanny. The home is on the
grounds of the governor's mansion in Little Rock.

Other notes stored in the boxes allegedly record secret meetings between
Hillary Clinton and Foster.

"State troopers delivered Hillary to meet with Vince Foster," said the
source, who requested his name be withheld. "The meetings were clandestine
and took place when Bill Clinton was out of the state, which was often."

At least one note allegedly documents a meeting between the two at the Red
Apple Inn golf and tennis resort in Heber Springs, Ark., a remote town
an hour's drive north of Little Rock.

Attempts to reach former President Clinton and Sen. Clinton for comment

Starr in February 1995 subpoenaed all trooper documents generated by
Clinton's security detail.

Col. John Bailey, who was the director of the Arkansas state police at the
time, ordered officers, who were not part of Clinton's detail, to search
the documents. They found the boxes in the attic and turned them over to
Starr's investigators.

Starr returned 11 boxes on May 10, prompting the editor of the Arkansas
Times and a former FBI agent to file Freedom of Information requests to see
the documents.

But the state police refused to make the records (save a small, 90-page
portion) public, arguing they are the governor's working papers and
therefore exempt from FOIA requests. And they've turned the boxes over to
John R. Tisdale, Bill Clinton's lawyer in Little Rock.

Tisdale is a partner at Wright Lindsey & Jennings, the former law firm of
Bruce R. Lindsey, who was Clinton's closest White House aide and top
damage-control specialist. Lindsey, whose father helped found the firm, is
now a paid consultant to the Clinton presidential library in Little Rock
is handling FOIA requests for any White House documents, including e-mails,
transferred to the library.

The boxes of documents stored by the former troopers are "embarrassing to
both Clinton and the state police," a source said. "They'll be destroyed,
now that they have them back, if they haven't been already."

                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

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