-Caveat Lector-

Condit admits affair with Levy

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July 8, 2001 | WASHINGTON --
Rep. Gary Condit for the first time told investigators he had a romantic
relationship with Chandra Levy, a source familiar with the investigation
said late Saturday.
But police reiterated that Condit is not a suspect in the disappearance of
the former federal intern.

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In his third interview with Washington police and FBI agents Friday night,
Condit acknowledged that his relationship with Levy, 24, was more than a
friendship, said the source, who discussed the meeting on grounds of not
being identified by name. Condit had been less direct in describing the
relationship in two earlier interviews, the source said.
Terrance Gainer, Washington's second ranking police official, would not
discuss the details of the 90-minute interview, which Condit attended with
his lawyer.
But Gainer said at a news conference Saturday that Condit was fully
cooperative, answering every question he was asked.
"The congressman was not a suspect before the meeting, the congressman was
not a suspect during the meeting and the congressman is not a suspect since
the meeting," Gainer said.
Police had wanted more clarity from Condit, D-Calif., about the nature of
his relationship with Levy, whose home in Modesto, Calif., is in Condit's
district. The congressman had called her a "good friend," but her relatives
have described the relationship as intimate.
Gainer refused to say whether Condit told police the relationship was
romantic. But he said "with the clarity of this interview and the interview
with his wife I think we have the information we need" about the nature of
the relationship.
Gainer stressed that police still don't know what happened to Levy, who has
not been seen since April 30.
Police are investigating Levy's disappearance as a missing persons case, not
a crime. News reports that a grand jury would hear evidence about Levy's
disappearance are simply wrong said Gainer.
"We've not called for a grand jury, we're not looking for a grand jury,"
said Gainer.
He also said police have not subpoenaed any information from Condit. "It's
not necessary to use compelled testimony and compelled documents if people
are cooperating with us," he said. "The congressman and his wife are fully
cooperative with us."

Associated Press

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