-Caveat Lector-

This case went all the way up to the Supreme Court, but on Friday, June 29, 2001 the 
Supreme Court *dismissed* the case. You won't hear a word about this very important 
case in the controlled media [where REAL news is forbidden]. You can read the lawsuit 
at the following URL :



This case is much too important to allow the media to ignore it. Please spread the 




  and RANDY D. LANG,







C.A. NO. 00-15-126

(D.CT. NO. CIV-98-1875-PHX-RCB)



2. Appellant Schlund, an ex-United States Marine, was solicited by the
United States Drug Enforcement Agency (“DEA”) to participate in various
activities of an illegal nature.  He refused.  He was then set up by the
DEA with fabricated evidence and arrested and charged as being an
alleged drug manufacturer in Cave Creek, Arizona.  The conspiracy by the
DEA to fabricate the evidence was a planned scheme designed to enable
them to create a reasonable suspicion and probable cause for creating an
investigation task force to place Appellant Schlund under surveillance,
to invade his privacy, due process, remoe Schlund as a witness to
corruption in the DEA, and other constitutional protection and those of
whom he comes in contact with.  Also, to discredit him as a political
witness and utilize electronic surveillance for information gathering
concerning all those of whom he comes in contact with, including, but
not limited to, the attorney-client privilege, physician-patient
privilege, clergyman-penitent privilege, privacy of voting privilege,
privacy of association, privacy of speech, etc.  The gross intrusions
were also made of his body, personal residence, papers, affects and
things.  He asserts in his verified Complaint (“Complaint”) and many
affidavits filed in the case that during one or more of the episodes of
intrusion, subcutaneous body implants of a CIA design were used by the
DEA (“Electronic Implants”) and separately various forms of electronic
vibration, sounds, magnetic fields, radio waves, and other unknown forms
of torture have been imposed upon him through electronic force resulting
in torturing of him as a form of retaliation and violation of his civil
rights, causing him extensive losses and damages, personally and in his
commercial activities.
 3. Petitioner Lang asserted a single declaratory relief cause of
action, asserting the Government does not have the right to use
sophisticated surveillance telecommunications activities and other
integrated devices and methodologies to violate his rights to privacy
and association with Schlund or other members of the public.  Or to
harass, torture, or otherwise violate his or other third parties of whom
he associates, or violate protective privileges also set forth above.
Lang asserted the course of intervention for a declaratory judgment is
necessary to prevent violations under color of authority or retaliate
against him for his association with Petitioner Schlund (Appendix Nos.
 4. Petitioner Schlund's Criminal Acquittal.   Despite the fact the DEA
violated their oath of office while acting under color of law for the
purpose of fabricating evidence, perjured testimony, and other illegal
acts outside the course and scope of their authority, and in violation
of Petitioner Schlund's rights (Appendix No. 5), Petitioner set the
matter for a jury trial.  It was established at the trial that the
Government used an alleged “informant” who lied to induce Schlund by
means of illegal entrapment to come to the location of a laboratory
under false pretenses.  The laboratory was set up by the Government to
suck Schlund into the entrapment posture to remove Schlund as a witness
against the DEA to conceal massive corruption in the DEA.  Petitioner
Schlund did go to the location, where he was recorded by electronic
surveillance cameras and other telecommunications related devices and
methodology, showing Schlund performing various activities at the
Government's (DEA) directions at the property located in Arizona
(Appendix No. 5).  Petitioner Schlund then left the residence where the
so-called laboratory was located and was followed by the Government
surveillance agents who then arrested him without a warrant and alleged
on probable cause they believed he was operating an illicit
methamphetamine laboratory (Appendix Nos. 3 and 5).
 5. Later, on January 3, 1979, Petitioner Schlund after a jury trial,
was “acquitted” in the United States District Court, Phoenix, Arizona of
all charges of conspiracy, etc. related to the trumped up drug charges
that were created to remove Petitioner Schlund sa a witness against the
DEA.  The Dept. of Justice (“DOJ”) appealed that decision, and the
decision was sustained in favor of Schlund (Appendix No. 5).
 6. NOTE BENE:  Judge Lacey of the United States District Court
aggressively and severely reprimanded and told the governmental
officials and the prosecutor they were “in contempt” and demanded they
be “arrested” for committing “perjury” and “obstructing justice in his
court” and for fabricating evidence against Petitioner Schlund.  The
acquittal was upheld on appeal; and on March 3, 1980 the DOJ and the DEA
were advised by the United States Attorney General, Daniel R. Dray,
there would be no further prosecution on the grounds of lack of
evidence, and presumably because Judge Lacey noted there was “outrageous
prosecutorial misconduct” which included withholding crucial evidence
critical to Petitioner Schlund's defense (Appendix No. 5).
 7. Despite the acquittal, the conspiracy, illegal surveillance, illegal
invasion of privacy, and the electronic torture of Petitioner Schlund
was and is continuous and ongoing to present.  Petitioner Schlund has
asserted in his verified Complaint that the DEA tortures him and
continues to invade his privacy, based on personal knowledge he
possesses relating to documentation he personally analyzed and reviewed
contained in files known as the “Don Boles Papers.”  That he is a
political witness, and the torture etc. is done to discredit him to
protect the corrupt governmental officials who are involved in the
corrupt activity of the Government's covert operations, which include
controlling federal and state judges in the judicial system.  In fact,
Petitioner Schlund filed a Motion to Recuse United States District
Judge, the Honorable Robert C. Broomfield, based on his personal
knowledge as set forth in Petitioner Schlund's Motion for Refusal and
Affidavit in Support of the Motion.  The judge was assigned to his case
after the Honorable Rosalyn Silver recused herself on the grounds she
was an ex-United States Assistant Attorney in the DEA's office for over
ten years  (Appendix Nos. 3, 4, and 5), although this was not disclosed
by her and later discovered by Petitioners.
 8. On December 18, 1998, the Government filed its two page pleading
entitled “Motion to Dismiss” or, alternatively, “Motion for Summary
Judgment,” asserting only (1) no basis in reality existed as set forth
in the verified Complaint and (2) that Petitioner Schlund could not
prove the existence of the nature of the electronic technology used by
the Government with any tangible or scientific evidence (Appendix No.
6).  Further, that because Lang's declaratory relief action was based on
Schlund's facts alleged in the Complaint, it was not a viable cause of
action (Appendix Nos. 5 & 6).  The Motion to Dismiss was denied.  The
Motion for Summary Judgment, oddly enough, was only supported by a ipse
dixit statement asserted in a footnote to the motion (Appendix 6) that
the Government relied exclusively and solely on Plaintiff's detailed
verified Complaint which asserts extensive specific facts supporting
each of the causes of action (Appendix No. 5).  The Government did [not]
submit a single foundational piece of evidence supporting any personal
or other factual knowledge supporting the U.S. attorneys bias,
prejudicial, and self-serving interest “opinion” contrary to the
Verified Complaint - Affidavit.  There literally is and was no factual
basis for the attorney's opinion which is not evidence in any event
sufficient to support a Motion for Summary Judgment (Appendix No. 6).
The Court entered judgment on the motion, despite Petitioners'
objections and requests for findings of fact and conclusions of law
(Appendix No. 7).


MARtin F. ABErnathy ----- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] ---- NYC

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