-Caveat Lector-

 >From AppleLink,
Comments: Future Soldiers May Eat Different Kind of Chips

Thursday, July 5, 2001
By Senior Editor John H. Farr

An Associated Press article at SiliconValley.com discusses futuristic
projects some think the U.S. Army should be working on, and we just wondered
if there was anything there to be concerned about, seeing as how military
technology frequently finds its way into civilian markets after a while. How
about this: so-called "biomarkers" ingested in food that allow soldiers to
be tracked by satellite?

The article describes the biomarkers as "compounds," but to us they sound
like miniature electronic devices. [Perhaps one of you can enlighten us. --
Ed.] It hardly matters what they are, as the thought of long-distance
tracking of people made possible by what they eat scares us to death -- so
watch out for what gets served at Microsoft picnics! At any rate, such
niceties are but one of the goodies planned for the devilment --pardon us,
the benefit -- of future G.I.s. Just take a gander at this:

"Trudging through a thick, muggy jungle, the soldier remains cool, her body
temperature precisely controlled by her uniform.Incapable of seeing more
than 10 feet ahead, she is guided through an earpiece in her helmet by
someone at base camp who can trace her because a biomarker was in a
nutrition bar she ate earlier.
Breaking the jungle silence, an alarm in her wristwatch goes off, detecting
the presence of a toxic chemical agent. The visor on her helmet drops down,
and the uniform that monitors her vital signs administers the drugs
necessary to keep her safe and enable her to complete her mission."

All we can think of is that human doctors make plenty of mistakes on their
own. Imagine a "smart" uniform that shoots a soldier full of drugs based on
what the sensors tell its tiny computer brain, computers being flawless, as
we all know, and probably running on software by -- NO! We won't even go
there... These things do not make us feel better. And knowing the military,
we think "enable her to complete her mission" is much more important than
the "keep her safe" part.

The Army is apparently also funding areas of biotechnology not yet
considered profitable and so not pursued by corporations on their own, such
as "genetically altered foods that don't spoil and provide added nutrition."
Um, guys...

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