-Caveat Lector-

Sounds like a very credible scenario that I have heard the gyst of before.  It seems 
to be the only way that he could have been done away with without too much attention 
being drawn to all the deaths.  Ruin his political career and make him a no show in 
the president's race.  I'm no fan of Ted, but it sure seems to me that there is a lot 
fishy about the whole Chappaquiddick thing.

On Tue, 10 July 2001, Nessie wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> From the transcript of the Fourth Reich in America conference, held in
> SF in '88, organized by yours truly and friends:
> Audience Member: Can you say just a few words about the Chappaquiddick
> incident?
> John Judge: Yes. Ted Kennedy was not in the car. Hard evidence clearly
> shows that the car went off the ramp at a tremendously high rate of
> speed. And the door on Kennedy's side was crushed shut. It was still
> locked. I don't think he'd bother to lock it on the way out under water.
> The window was still rolled up. He had no way to get out of the car. He
> had no wet clothes, in the hotel room. That was the testimony of the
> maid who cleaned up. He was seen on the island in a good mood that
> morning. I talked to people who said the place was crawling with
> Committee to Re-Elect the President people. Tom Valaszcwitz, in his
> testimony, said that he went up to the island several days before, with
> fake press credentials, to ask embarrassing questions of Ted. About
> what? Several days before? And he doesn't show up at any of the press
> conferences.
> In the Watergate testimony, there is reference to Operation Sand Wedge,
> and ten thousand dollars given to Valaszcwitz that summer, by Caulfield.
> And they never ask, "What is Sand Wedge?" I think it's putting the
> Oldsmobile in the sand.
> It was meant to take out Ted Kennedy's election chances. But I think
> they knew, that if they had yet another lone assassin, for the third
> Kennedy, that would be the end of the string, in terms of the public
> credibility. So instead they set him up, in, I think, a very clever way.
> They drugged him at the party. Slipped a "mickey" into the drink. He
> left with Mary Jo Koepechne. Now, they portray her as just this sort of
> little nobody, a secretary, who happened to be in the car, or maybe Ted
> was having an affair with her. She came from a group of political
> secretaries known as the "Boiler Room Girls." Some of them are still in
> top positions in the media and other places. And they were traveling in
> the political circles, and working for different people. Mary Jo worked
> for Sen. George Smathers, Bebe Rebozo's financial and personal friend
> down there, who was actually an enemy of the Kennedy's. There was this
> famous scene where Smathers attempted to get John Kennedy to kill
> Castro, to continue the assassination attempts, and Kennedy broke a
> plate on the table at this dinner. It's kind of famous, it's in most of
> the Kennedy books, Thousand Days, and other places. And he said, "We're
> not going to have any more of that talk."
> And, Smathers, you know, was certainly more in the Nixon camp, with
> Rebozo, and the filthy money, Dade county, Bob Maheu (who went out and
> got the Mafia assassins involved originally, that helped to kill
> Kennedy), and that crowd. So, she came from there, and the two
> secretaries who worked with her at the time, and she roomed with one of
> them, were also closely involved. Carol Tyler, who she roomed with,
> disappeared in a plane crash. She had been Bobby Baker's secretary. You
> remember this big scandal during the Johnson administration, about Bobby
> Baker and the wheeling and dealing? And Baker had been part of an
> international gambling ring, between Cuba and the United States, that
> was called the "Syndicate." It wasn't the whole national crime
> syndicate, but it was a little Havana, Cuba bunch. Lansky's had ties
> with it, McClaney and others. People that had the arms at Lake
> Pontchartraine in New Orleans, Cubans that were tied with Oswald, people
> around the Kennedy assassination. In Torbitt's document, Nomenclature of
> an Assassination Cabal, that group, "Syndicate," is one of the 5 groups
> named, because it was the main one that funnelled money on Kennedy's
> head from the mob out of Florida and up through Chicago, and then into
> Dallas. And it's in Flammonde's book, Kennedy Conspiracy, and other
> places.
> So, the other secretary working with Mary Jo at the time, had been the
> personal secretary to Jack Ruby at the Carousel Club. And remember,
> Bobby Baker called his place in Ocean City the Carousel Club. His motel
> up there, you know.
> So, she didn't come from nowhere. She was also the last person to see
> the physical evidence in the Robert Kennedy file before it was locked
> up, down in Los Angeles. She knew quite a deal.
> I think she was brought out thinking that she was setting Ted up to be
> killed. And at the last moment they pulled the switch, dragged him, dead
> drunk, and drugged, back to the hotel room, put him to bed. Stabbed her
> in the back, or injected something that caused a lot of bleeding over
> the night, in the back, knocked her out, and put her into the car.
> She was found in a rather unusual position. I mean, you'd go there to
> get air, if you woke up, but, her head was in the footwell, in the front
> seat. And her back end and her legs were over the top of the dash.And
> she was down in this little well, which would have been the top of the
> car at that point, and where a little bit of the air was. So if she was
> semi-conscious she would have gone up there. But, after they buried her,
> the autopsy lab found the blood on the back of her blouse. A profuse
> quantity of blood, going down both arms, and into the middle of the
> back. But, a CIA lawyer showed up to represent the family, and convinced
> them not to re-inter. And later the family sued him. Without much
> success. So, the way that she was killed was never made clear.
> And then I think what happened was the next morning, they came to him,
> and they said, "She's dead in the car. And we have letters signed by her
> blackmailing you. We can prove a murder motive if you like. Otherwise
> you take the manslaughter rap."
> Deputy Look, who testified, and who had no reason to lie about it, saw
> the car, apparently without anyone in it, sitting at the edge of the
> water, long after Kennedy said they had gone into the drink.
> Even if he'd wanted to, with his back, he couldn't have swum the
> channel. Water moves too fast. You'd have to be a very exceptional
> swimmer to get across, not one in the slightly inebriated position that
> he might have been in. And his story just didn't wash. And at the end of
> the trial, the judge, in fact, turned to the Kennedy table and says,
> "You're all lying through your teeth."
> But what the right wing wants us to believe, is that Kennedy killed her.
> You know, that he had her in there and let her drown. The same as they
> now want us to believe that Robert Kennedy murdered Marilyn Monroe.
> Well, what happened with Marilyn Monroe, was that she was discovered by
> Howard Hughes, at RKO, when she left her first husband, the Van Nuyes
> cop, who later trained the first SWAT teams in the United States. And
> she ran off with this photographer, she was about eighteen years old,
> and RKO started doing her films. You know, Hughes used to film out at
> the Spahn Ranch, where the Manson family later landed. It's the next
> door neighbor to the Krupp ranch. Ever hear of Krupp? Nazi Germany?
> Arms? Think they let a bunch of crazy hippies live next door? They've
> bought the Spahn Ranch, now, the Krupp family, and they're going to make
> a Bavarian beer garden out of it. [very loud laughter]  But Hughes used
> to do the films out there, the Westerns, and he liked Marilyn, he saw
> the pictures and he helped her get her first films going, and made her
> career.
> And she was surrounded by money and a lot of bad deals. She had ties
> with the Mafia, with Lawford, and the Rat Pack. Lawford liked her. And
> it was Hoffa, through his man Sciacca, that set up the bugging in the
> bedroom, to blackmail the Kennedys, and to get them off the back of the
> mob. And Marilyn broke down. She called Sidney Skolsky, her reporter
> friend and columnist, that night, from her bathroom. Told him that she
> was going to blow the lid off it, told him that they had been bugging
> the bedroom, she didn't feel right about it. That they had compromised
> her for a while, but she'd changed her mind. And that was the night that
> she gets this injection, because that's what's in the autopsy report:
> fresh injection. Noguchi found no drugs in the lower duodenum, no
> evidence of a pill suicide. She was given an injection of a poison, and
> murdered.
> And then, I think that Lawford probably did go in and try to clean out
> the traces of Robert Kennedy, so that he wouldn't be implicated. But it
> was the Mob, and the intelligence agencies, that used her all her life,
> who murdered her. Not Robert Kennedy.
> But now, you see, they want us to believe, "What's the difference if we
> killed these Kennedys? They were going to kill Castro, they killed Mary
> Jo, they killed all these women, you know, they're a bunch of
> sleep-arounds and murderers." And that's just the final smear, you know,
> turn it around, they're the murderers now, and all the guys that killed
> them are Presidents of the United States and Chiefs of Staff and
> Attorney Generals and you name 'em.
>  [applause]
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