Pulled this out of newspaper Kris forwarded to list; and, this item is
perhaps the most objective story I have read yet re the work of Timothy

Maybe McVeigh was also affected more by movie Braveheart, than the book
the Turner Diaries, for the latter is one of the dullest books I have
ever read....one man's dream, another man's nightmare.

McVeigh did not know about the nursery in the Murrah Building - but the
FBI and BATF, did.
People also could not distinguish between satire and truth in his words.


May 10, 2001
Executing McVeigh: The Media Rites of Retribution
By Norman Solomon

For half a century, we've been watching rituals of retribution.
Countless entertainment shows on TV have presented certain vengeance as
dramatic justice. In time for the last commercial, the designated bad
guys got what was coming to them.

These days, news coverage -- or what passes for it -- tends to edge out
fictional concoctions.

The surfaces of pathos, anguish and suffering are readily available
without scripts, actors or set designers. Around the country, local news
programs air plenty of crime sensations with yellow police tape in the
background. Cable channels strive to offer the latest shootings in
progress. And trials can't miss: Inside a courtroom, everyone makes a
perfect cameo appearance.

A week before the scheduled execution of Timothy McVeigh, the major
cable networks -- CNN, Fox and MSNBC -- could hardly tear themselves
away from the spectacle of a 14-year-old boy as he testified about what
happened when he shot a teacher, taking an adult's life and shattering
his own. The camera work and sound quality were crystal clear.
McVeigh's crime, we're told, was the deadliest act of terrorism ever on
U.S. soil. Among the 168 people he killed were 19 young children.

>From prison, he has insisted on describing the kids he murdered as
"collateral damage." It's a phrase that disturbed some media consumers a
decade ago, during the Gulf War, when it was the euphemism of choice for
top Pentagon officials and many American reporters.

In a recent statement to a Fox News Channel correspondent, McVeigh said:
"Collateral damage? As an American news junkie, a military man, and a
Gulf War veteran, where do they think I learned that?"

Unrepentant and preferring to undergo capital punishment now rather than
later, McVeigh has declined to appeal his death sentence, a move that
would have delayed his execution for years.

He expresses no remorse about setting off a bomb at the federal building
in Oklahoma City. Explaining his motives to the authors of a new
biography, McVeigh commented: "I did it for the larger good." With more
diplomatic language, that's the sort of remark that U.S. officials
frequently made during the Gulf War.

If McVeigh were black or brown instead of white -- and if he had grown
accustomed to the idea of inflicting lethal violence as a member of a
gang instead of as a member of the U.S. Army -- it's a safe bet that
news media would have flooded us with feature reports, analysis and
commentaries about the inner-city culture of violence and pathology that
produced him. But in McVeigh's case, we're made to understand that he
was a bad apple in a wholesome barrel overseen by Uncle Sam. The good
apples, the ones we can all be proud of, understood that killing is
laudable only when authorized.

And now, it has been authorized in Terre Haute. During the days before
his execution in that Indiana city, T-shirts with his face on them have
been selling briskly. A simple message is printed on those souvenir
shirts: "Die, die, die."
Long ago, Bertrand Russell observed: "The reformative effect of
punishment is a belief that dies hard, chiefly, I think, because it is
so satisfying to our sadistic impulses."

The slaying of Tim McVeigh promises to be an unprecedented pageant of
capital punishment.

Advance stories predict that 2,000 journalists will descend on Terre
Haute for the festivities.

In Newsweek's words, the execution "will be shown on closed-circuit
television to several hundred victims of the Oklahoma City bombing and
their families -- the biggest crowd to watch an execution since the
1930s." In theory, the audience will be limited. But some of the viewers
will surely be on national TV to describe what they saw. Bootlegged
videos are likely to find their way to a wider audience.

If "we," ostensibly represented by the state, are going to kill with
premeditated executions, then we may as well see the grisly results. But
why stop there?

A lot of babies perish due to social conditions that could be prevented
by a shift in government priorities. For the first time in a
quarter-century, the latest annual figures tell us, infant mortality
rates have not dropped in the United States -- remaining at 7.2 infants
per 1,000 births. Meanwhile, the Children's Defense Fund says, 10.8
million of the nation's children are lacking health insurance.

Unfortunately, there's no media frenzy to cover what happens when the
state, in effect, routinely kills many Americans simply by inaction --
not enforcing workplace-safety rules, or not reducing air pollution that
menaces people chronically short of breath, or not providing health care
for the uninsured.

With the corporate-dominated state functioning as a serial killer every
day, news outlets should shine a bright light on its innocent victims.

Norman Solomon's latest book is "The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media."

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