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Bush Aides Weigh Legalizing Status of Mexicans in U.S.

News/Current Events Breaking News News
Source: The New York Times
Published: July 15, 2001 Author: ERIC SCHMITT
Posted on 07/14/2001 12:16:25 PDT by sarcasm

WASHINGTON, July 14 — President Bush's top immigration advisers are
weighing plans to allow the more than three million Mexicans living
illegally in the United States to earn permanent legal residency,
officials involved in the deliberations said today.

The proposal is the most politically charged part of a draft plan on
border safety and immigration that a panel led by Secretary of State
Colin L. Powell and Attorney General John Ashcroft is expected to
submit to the White House in the next few days. The legalization idea
faces stiff opposition from anti-immigrant groups and influential
Republicans in Congress.
The options under consideration involve different ways in which
millions of Mexicans living in this country illegally could earn
lawful status over the next several years, though not immediately,
administration officials said. The options would quite likely be
based on the immigrants' employment records, family ties in this
country and how long they have lived in the United States.

Any plan to legalize the residency of unlawful immigrants would be in
a broader agreement to expand guest-worker programs in the United
States, the officials said. Many details of the plan, including
whether to permit new guest workers to become permanent residents,
are still unresolved and no final decisions have been made. Any plan
would be subject to approval by Congress.

But pressure is mounting on the administration to address the issue
as ground-breaking negotiations on immigration that Mr. Bush and
President Vicente Fox of Mexico started in February are about to
accelerate. Secretary Powell and Mr. Ashcroft are to meet with their
Mexican counterparts in early August. Mr. Bush and Mr. Fox want to
announce a major migration initiative at their summit meeting in
Washington starting Sept. 4, their aides say.

The review of policies toward Mexican immigrants is one of President
Bush's highest priorities, partly because as governor of Texas he
gained more experience in dealing with Mexico than with any other
foreign nation. Mr. Bush considers Mr. Fox, perhaps more than any
other foreign leader, to be a personal friend as well as a partner.

Legalizing immigrants who are, in the words of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service, undocumented, has major domestic political
and foreign policy implications for the Bush administration. And on a
human level, such a plan would transform the lives of millions of
Mexicans now toiling in the shadows, including hotel maids in New
York, nannies in San Francisco, meatpackers in Nebraska and textile
workers in Georgia.

Legalizing the status of undocumented Mexicans is a top objective of
the Roman Catholic Church and immigrant advocacy groups, especially
Latino organizations, whose constituencies Mr. Bush is courting in
his strategy to expand his political base and win a second term in

In a ceremony for new citizens at Ellis Island this week, Mr. Bush
extolled the virtues of immigrants. "America, at its best, is a
welcoming society," he said. "We welcome not only immigrants
themselves but the many gifts they bring and the values they live
Mr. Bush won about one-third of the Latino vote in the election last
November, but his pollsters say he needs to increase that share to at
least 40 percent to prevail in 2004. Latino advocates for immigrants
say a generous program for adjusting legal status would win the
administration new supporters.

"This administration has a tremendous opportunity to reshape
migration policy," said Cecilia Muñoz, a vice president of the
National Council of La Raza, a major Latino human rights
organization. "If this would happen, it would electrify the Latino

At the same time, Mr. Fox has made conferring legal status on his
undocumented compatriots in the United States a top priority. Mr. Fox
is very likely to raise the issue when he makes a swing through mid-
America — Chicago, Detroit and Milwaukee — in the next few days to
meet Mexican-Americans and seek support for new American investment
in Mexico.
"Mexicans who work in the United States should be considered legal,"
Mr. Fox told a group of Texas journalists in late June. "They
shouldn't have to hide in the shadows."
Complicating the political equation for Mr. Bush is fierce opposition
from groups that favor tighter limits on immigration and influential
Congressional Republicans who say that granting legal residency to
illegal immigrants is tantamount to rewarding lawbreakers.

Senator Phil Gramm, Republican of Texas, supports a new guest-worker
program but has vowed that any program legalizing undocumented
workers would have to pass "over my cold, dead political body."

A coalition that opposes increased immigration, led by the Federation
for American Immigration Reform, ran more than $500,000 in radio and
print advertisements in 10 states in April and May condemning any new
agreement with Mexico that would expand immigration.

Mr. Bush opposes a blanket amnesty comparable to the 1986 law that
granted legal residency to several million immigrants who could show
that they had been working in the United States for at least 90 days.
Within the State, Justice and Labor Departments, aides say there are
varying degrees of support for allowing immigrants to adjust their
legal status over time. Secretary Powell and Mr. Ashcroft have so far
avoided taking any public position on the idea, but Mexican and
Congressional officials who have been briefed on the internal
American discussions, say they are heartened by senior officials'
receptiveness to a variety of options.

"There is a realization that this is one of the most important, if
not the most important issue for the Mexicans," said an
administration official on the working group, "but it's also one of
the most difficult, if not the most difficult issue for the U.S.
Politically, it is extremely tough."

Despite the opposition, such a plan nearly succeeded in Congress last
year as part of an expanded agricultural guest-worker program. A
bipartisan proposal, backed by farm worker unions and several state
grower associations, would have increased the number of seasonal farm
workers to as many as 250,000 a year, from about 40,000 now, and
granted many foreign workers legal residency.

Senator Larry E. Craig, an Idaho Republican who supported that failed
proposal, resurrected the plan as legislation this week, and included
a provision that would allow farm workers to adjust their status over
six years.

But Democrats, labor leaders and Latino rights advocates criticized
the bill because it would lower the wages and raise the eligibility
requirements for legal status that were contained in last year's

Supporters of Mr. Craig's bill argue that the legislation could be an
important start in talks on Capitol Hill that would parallel the
United States-Mexico negotiations, and perhaps could give Mr. Bush
political cover to advance a legalization plan.

On both sides of the border, support is growing for an effective
guest-worker program. American farmers and landscapers, as well as
hotel and restaurant owners, want to stabilize their labor forces
that are now highly dependent on illegal workers from Mexico.

Mexican officials say a guest- worker program would help reduce the
number of workers who arrive in the country illegally — more than
150,000 a year — and would save the lives of migrants who die trying
to cross the blistering deserts and harsh mountains of the Southwest.

Labor unions and immigrant advocates have long opposed temporary visa
programs as creating a class of low-paid workers vulnerable to abuse.
But new proposals with labor and wage protections have brought labor
and growers closer together.

Mexican officials, as well as American labor and religious leaders,
say that any deal to increase the number of guest workers must first
grant legal status to unlawful Mexicans already in the country.

"You have to try to legalize people here first, before you bring more
people in from abroad," said J. Kevin Appleby, director of migration
and refugee policy for the United States Conference of Catholic
For their part, Mexico officials have stricken the politically
charged word amnesty from their vocabulary and now talk about
regularization, a concept that Foreign Minister Jorge G. Castañeda
says could allow Mexican immigrants to obtain driver's licenses,
Social Security cards and resident tuition at colleges.
Mr. Castañeda seemed to up the ante in the negotiations when he told
a group of Latino journalists in Phoenix last month that any
comprehensive agreement on border safety and guest workers must
include some adjustment of legal status for illegal workers. "It's
the whole enchilada, or nothing," Mr. Castañeda said.

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