-Caveat Lector-

>>>Rainbow Symbol 'Hijacked' by Homosexuals, Says Pro-Family Group
(CNSNews.com) - The rainbow, considered by many to be a biblical symbol full of hope 
and promise, is used widely today by homosexuals as a symbol of their activism. And 
some conservative pro-family groups charge that the rainbow symbol not only has been 
hijacked, but that institutions like the University of Hawaii have caved in to 
homosexuals in order to be "politically correct.".

I had this exact experience a few weeks back. A guy was interested in buying a 
tee-shirt which had a design featuring a rainbow, but he kept asking me what it was 
'about'. Eventually he told me that the rainbow is, apparently, a symbol to advertise 
one's homosexuality ('or so he had heard'), which was news for me. Acording to him, 
shops which have rainbow designs are apparently advertising that they are gay-run. I 
think he might have been a bit of a nut, but I'm just guessing. He didn't buy it but 
fortunately someone else did.

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