-Caveat Lector-

>From The New Scientist,
Taming the multiverse

Parallel universes are no longer a figment of our imagination. They're
so real that we can reach out and touch them, and even use them to
change our world, says Marcus Chown

FLICKING through New Scientist, you stop at this page, think "that's
interesting" and read these words. Another you thinks "what nonsense",
and moves on. Yet another lets out a cry, keels over and dies.

Is this an insane vision? Not according to David Deutsch of the
University of Oxford. Deutsch believes that our Universe is part of the
multiverse, a domain of parallel universes that comprises ultimate

Until now, the multiverse was a hazy, ill-defined concept-little more
than a philosophical trick. But in a paper yet to be published, Deutsch
has worked out the structure of the multiverse. With it, he claims, he
has answered the last criticism of the sceptics. "For 70 years
physicists have been hiding from it, but they can hide no longer." If
he's right, the multiverse is no trick. It is real. So real that we can
mould the fate of the universes and exploit them.

Why believe in something so extraordinary? Because it can explain one of
the greatest mysteries of modern science: why the world of atoms behaves
so very differently from the everyday world of trees and tables.

The theory that describes atoms and their constituents is quantum
mechanics. It is hugely successful. It has led to computers, lasers and
nuclear reactors, and it tells us why the Sun shines and why the ground
beneath our feet is solid. But quantum theory also tells us something
very disturbing about atoms and their like: they can be in many places
at once. This isn't just a crazy theory-it has observable consequences
(see "Interfering with the multiverse").

But how is it that atoms can be in many places at once whereas big
things made out of atoms-tables, trees and pencils-apparently cannot?
Reconciling the difference between the microscopic and the macroscopic
is the central problem in quantum theory.

The many worlds interpretation is one way to do it. This idea was
proposed by Princeton graduate student Hugh Everett III in 1957.
According to many worlds, quantum theory doesn't just apply to atoms,
says Deutsch. "The world of tables is exactly the same as the world of

But surely this means tables can be in many places at once. Right. But
nobody has ever seen such a schizophrenic table. So what gives?

The idea is that if you observe a table that is in two places at once,
there are also two versions of you-one that sees the table in one place
and one that sees it in another place.

The consequences are remarkable. A universe must exist for every
physical possibility. There are Earths where the Nazis prevailed in the
Second World War, where Marilyn Monroe married Einstein, and where the
dinosaurs survived and evolved into intelligent beings who read New

However, many worlds is not the only interpretation of quantum theory.
Physicists can choose between half a dozen interpretations, all of which
predict identical outcomes for all conceivable experiments.

Deutsch dismisses them all. "Some are gibberish, like the Copenhagen
interpretation," he says-and the rest are just variations on the many
worlds theme.

For example, according to the Copenhagen interpretation, the act of
observing is crucial. Observation forces an atom to make up its mind,
and plump for being in only one place out of all the possible places it
could be. But the Copenhagen interpretation is itself open to
interpretation. What constitutes an observation? For some people, this
only requires a large-scale object such as a particle detector. For
others it means an interaction with some kind of conscious being.

Worse still, says Deutsch, is that in this type of interpretation you
have to abandon the idea of reality. Before observation, the atom
doesn't have a real position. To Deutsch, the whole thing is
mysticism-throwing up our hands and saying there are some things we are
not allowed to ask.

Some interpretations do try to give the microscopic world reality, but
they are all disguised versions of the many worlds idea, says Deutsch.
"Their proponents have fallen over backwards to talk about the many
worlds in a way that makes it appear as if they are not."

In this category, Deutsch includes David Bohm's "pilot-wave"
interpretation. Bohm's idea is that a quantum wave guides particles
along their trajectories. Then the strange shape of the pilot wave can
be used to explain all the odd quantum behaviours, such as interference
patterns. In effect, says Deutsch, Bohm's single universe occupies one
groove in an immensely complicated multi-dimensional wave function.

"The question that pilot-wave theorists must address is: what are the
unoccupied grooves?" says Deutsch. "It is no good saying they are merely
theoretical and do not exist physically, for they continually jostle
each other and the occupied groove, affecting its trajectory. What's
really being talked about here is parallel universes. Pilot-wave
theories are parallel-universe theories in a state of chronic denial."

Back and forth

Another disguised many worlds theory, says Deutsch, is John Cramer's
"transactional" interpretation in which information passes backwards and
forwards through time. When you measure the position of an atom, it
sends a message back to its earlier self to change its trajectory

But as the system gets more complicated, the number of messages
explodes. Soon, says Deutsch, it becomes vastly greater than the number
of particles in the Universe. The full quantum evolution of a system as
big as the Universe consists of an exponentially large number of
classical processes, each of which contains the information to describe
a whole universe. So Cramer's idea forces the multiverse on you, says

So do other interpretations, according to Deutsch. "Quantum theory
leaves no doubt that other universes exist in exactly the same sense
that the single Universe that we see exists," he says. "This is not a
matter of interpretation. It is a logical consequence of quantum

Yet many physicists still refuse to accept the multiverse. "People say
the many worlds is simply too crazy, too wasteful, too mind-blowing,"
says Deutsch. "But this is an emotional not a scientific reaction. We
have to take what nature gives us."

A much more legitimate objection is that many worlds is vague and has no
firm mathematical basis. Proponents talk of a multiverse that is like a
stack of parallel universes. The critics point out that it cannot be
that simple-quantum phenomena occur precisely because the universes
interact. "What is needed is a precise mathematical model of the
multiverse," says Deutsch. And now he's made one.

The key to Deutsch's model sounds peculiar. He treats the multiverse as
if it were a quantum computer. Quantum computers exploit the strangeness
of quantum systems-their ability to be in many states at once-to do
certain kinds of calculation at ludicrously high speed. For example,
they could quickly search huge databases that would take an ordinary
computer the lifetime of the Universe. Although the hardware is still at
a very basic stage, the theory of how quantum computers process
information is well advanced.

In 1985, Deutsch proved that such a machine can simulate any conceivable
quantum system, and that includes the Universe itself. So to work out
the basic structure of the multiverse, all you need to do is analyse a
general quantum calculation. "The set of all programs that can be run on
a quantum computer includes programs that would simulate the
multiverse," says Deutsch. "So we don't have to include any details of
stars and galaxies in the real Universe, we can just analyse quantum
computers and look at how information flows inside them."

If information could flow freely from one part of the multiverse to
another, we'd live in a chaotic world where all possibilities would
overlap. We really would see two tables at once, and worse, everything
imaginable would be happening everywhere at the same time.

Deutsch found that, almost all the time, information flows only within
small pieces of the quantum calculation, and not in between those
pieces. These pieces, he says, are separate universes. They feel
separate and autonomous because all the information we receive through
our senses has come from within one universe. As Oxford philosopher
Michael Lockwood put it, "We cannot look sideways, through the
multiverse, any more than we can look into the future."

Sometimes universes in Deutsch's model peel apart only locally and
fleetingly, and then slap back together again. This is the cause of
quantum interference, which is at the root of everything from the
two-slit experiment to the basic structure of atoms.

Other physicists are still digesting what Deutsch has to say. Anton
Zeilinger of the University of Vienna remains unconvinced. "The
multiverse interpretation is not the only possible one, and it is not
even the simplest," he says. Zeilinger instead uses information theory
to come to very different conclusions. He thinks that quantum theory
comes from limits on the information we get out of measurements (New
Scientist, 17 February, p 26). As in the Copenhagen interpretation,
there is no reality to what goes on before the measurement.

But Deutsch insists that his picture is more profound than Zeilinger's.
"I hope he'll come round, and realise that the many worlds theory
explains where the information in his measurements comes from."

Why are physicists reluctant to accept many worlds? Deutsch blames
logical positivism, the idea that science should concern itself only
with objects that can be observed. In the early 20th century, some
logical positivists even denied the existence of atoms-until the
evidence became overwhelming.

The evidence for the multiverse, according to Deutsch, is equally
overwhelming. "Admittedly, it's indirect," he says. "But then, we can
detect pterodactyls and quarks only indirectly too. The evidence that
other universes exist is at least as strong as the evidence for
pterodactyls or quarks."

Perhaps the sceptics will be convinced by a practical demonstration of
the multiverse. And Deutsch thinks he knows how. By building a quantum
computer, he says, we can reach out and mould the multiverse.

"One day, a quantum computer will be built which does more simultaneous
calculations than there are particles in the Universe," says Deutsch.
"Since the Universe as we see it lacks the computational resources to do
the calculations, where are they being done?" It can only be in other
universes, he says. "Quantum computers share information with huge
numbers of versions of themselves throughout the multiverse."

Imagine that you have a quantum PC and you set it a problem. What
happens is that a huge number of versions of your PC split off from this
Universe into their own separate, local universes, and work on parallel
strands of the problem. A split second later, the pocket universes
recombine into one, and those strands are pulled together to provide the
answer that pops up on your screen. "Quantum computers are the first
machines humans have ever built to exploit the multiverse directly,"
says Deutsch.

At the moment, even the biggest quantum computers can only work their
magic on about 6 bits of information, which in Deutsch's view means they
exploit copies of themselves in 26 universes-that's just 64 of them.
Because the computational feats of such computers are puny, people can
choose to ignore the multiverse. "But something will happen when the
number of parallel calculations becomes very large," says Deutsch. "If
the number is 64, people can shut their eyes but if it's 1064, they will
no longer be able to pretend."

What would it mean for you and me to know there are inconceivably many
yous and mes living out all possible histories? Surely, there is no
point in making any choices for the better if all possible outcomes
happen? We might as well stay in bed or commit suicide.

Deutsch does not agree. In fact, he thinks it could make real choice
possible. In classical physics, he says, there is no such thing as "if";
the future is determined absolutely by the past. So there can be no free
will. In the multiverse, however, there are alternatives; the quantum
possibilities really happen. Free will might have a sensible definition,
Deutsch thinks, because the alternatives don't have to occur within
equally large slices of the multiverse. "By making good choices, doing
the right thing, we thicken the stack of universes in which versions of
us live reasonable lives," he says. "When you succeed, all the copies of
you who made the same decision succeed too. What you do for the better
increases the portion of the multiverse where good things happen."

Let's hope that deciding to read this article was the right choice.

Interfering with the multiverse
You can see the shadow of other universes using little more than a light
source and two metal plates. This is the famous double-slit experiment,
the touchstone of quantum weirdness.

Particles from the atomic realm such as photons, electrons or atoms are
fired at the first plate, which has two vertical slits in it. The
particles that go through hit the second plate on the far side.

Imagine the places that are hit show up black and that the places that
are not hit show up white. After the experiment has been running for a
while, and many particles have passed through the slits, the plate will
be covered in vertical stripes alternating black and white. That is an
interference pattern.

To make it, particles that passed through one slit have to interfere
with particles that passed through the other slit. The pattern simply
does not form if you shut one slit.

The strange thing is that the interference pattern forms even if
particles come one at a time, with long periods in between. So what is
affecting these single particles?

According to the many worlds interpretation, each particle interferes
with another particle going through the other slit. What other
particle?  "Another particle in a neighbouring universe," says David
Deutsch. He believes this is a case where two universes split apart
briefly, within the experiment, then come back together again. "In my
opinion, the argument for the many worlds was won with the double-slit
experiment. It reveals interference between neighbouring universes, the
root of all quantum phenomena."

Further reading:

The structure of the multiverse by David Deutsch,
The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch, Penguin (1997)

Marcus Chown

>From New Scientist magazine 14 July 2001.

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