August 2, 2000

Blueprints For Colombian War

As we all know, the war in Colombia isn't about drugs. It's about the
annihilation of popular uprisings by the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia) and the ELN (National Liberation Army), guerilla groups or Indian
peasants fending off the ravages of oil companies, cattle barons and mining
firms. A good old-fashioned counterinsurgency war, designed to clear the way
for American corporations to set up shop in Colombia, with cocaine as the
scare tactic. Two recent Defense Department-commissioned reports outline in
chilling terms the same strategy of ongoing military intervention under the
cover of the drug war. Both urge the Bush administration to drop the pretext
of counter-narcotics and get on with the business of wiping out the
Last year the US Air Force commissioned the RAND Corporation to prepare a
review of the situation in Colombia. In early June the Santa Monica-based
RAND think tank
(progenitor of many a blood-sodden scenario in the Vietnam
era) submitted its 130-page report, called "The Colombian Labyrinth: The
Synergy of Drugs and Insurgency and Its Implications for Regional Stability
The other report is a paper written by Gabriel Marcella, titled "Plan
Colombia: the Strategic and Operational Imperatives
." Marcella is a former
chief adviser to the Commander-in-Chief of the US Southern Command who now
teaches on national security matters at the US Army War College.

Together, the two reports reach the same conclusion: the US needs to step up
its military involvement in Colombia and quit forfeiting options by limiting
its operations to counter-narcotics raids. Along the way, both reports make a
number of astonishing admissions about the paramilitaries and their links to
the drug trade, about human rights abuses by the US-trained Colombian
military and about the irrationality of crop fumigation.

RAND argues that the drug war approach is on the brink of not only failing,
but of prompting a wider conflict that might require the insertion of US
troops. "If the Pastrana administration falters, either in its
counter-narcotics or counterinsurgency approach, the US would be confronted
with an unpalatable choice. It could escalate its commitment to include
perhaps an operational role for US forces in Colombia, or scale it down,
which would involve some significant costs, including a serious loss of
credibility and degradation of the US's ability to muster regional support
for its counter-narcotics and political objectives."

The RAND study draws heavily from a December 2000 report by the World Bank,
titled Violence in Colombia: Building Sustainable Peace and Social Capital,
which concluded that the quid pro quo for Colombia getting any future large
infusions of international financial aid will depend on their successful
suppression of the FARC and other rebel groups. Another World Bank memo
describes the FARC's fundraising strategy as a "loot-seeking" assault on
"primary commodities": cattle ranches on the eastern plains, commercial
agriculture in Urabá, oil in Magaldena, gold mines in Antioquia and the coca
fields of Putumayo. RAND cites a former CIA analyst as saying that the FARC
has invested its "taxes" on these industries into "a strategic financial
reserve," which will enable them to "sustain an escalation of the conflict."
While the FARC peasant army has doubled over the past decade, it still only
numbers about 7,000 fighters – 2,000 fewer than the paramilitary death squads.

Both RAND and the World Bank point to the horrifying level of "social
intolerance killings," which for men aged 14-44 reached a level of 394 deaths
per 100,000 last year. In all, Colombia endures 30,000 annual murders, double
the number for the entire United States in 1998. Slightly more than 23,000
murders have been linked to "illegal armed organizations" since 1988. The
implication is that the FARC is responsible for these killings and one has to
dig deep into the RAND analysis to discover otherwise. In fact, according to
statistics compiled by the Colombian government, about 3,500 people were
killed by the guerrillas and 19,652 by paramilitaries and "private justice"

The leader of the AUC (United Self-Defense Groups of Colombia), the central
command for the 19 paramilitary "fronts," is a sadistic scoundrel named
Carlos Castaño, who supervises a killing program right off the pages of the
CIA's Phoenix Program's operations manual
. The RAND report details how
Castaño's AUC routinely executes "suspected guerrilla sympathizers" in order
"to instill fear and compel support among the local population." When that
strategy fails to deliver, the AUC simply launches an all-out attack on the
villages and slaughters the inhabitants. RAND dispassionately notes that the
AUC justifies these atrocities, in language that even Bob Kerrey might
admire, as a legitimate way to "remove the guerrillas' supply network."

The robust ties between the paramilitaries and the Colombian military (not to
mention the CIA and the Pentagon) are cursorily dispensed with by RAND in a
brisk few sentences, concluding that, given the circumstances, such relations
are only natural. RAND fails to note that many of the leaders of paramilitary
groups were once officers in the Colombian military, some of them trained at
the School of the Americas. Although there are nearly as many paramilitary
fighters as there are guerrillas, there is a gross and telling disparity
between the numbers of paramilitaries (76) versus guerrillas (2,677) killed
by the Colombian military.

The RAND study makes a great effort to legitimize the role of the
paramilitaries, remarking that "the term paramilitaries is an unsatisfactory
rubric to describe the autodefensas, although it has gained widespread
currency [so widespread, in fact, that it is used throughout the RAND
report].... It has no particular descriptive value in referring to the
autodefensas and (perhaps intentionally) might convey the implication of
quasi-political status." With such sinister nonsense, and despite the murders
and the drug trafficking, RAND attempts to portray many of the paramilitaries
as performing necessary self-policing functions in the absence of strong
state authority, a kind of benign civic group "based on the neighborhood
watch concept."

Although 20 pages are devoted to discussion of the FARC's ties to the drug
trade, the RAND report spends only a single paragraph on the links of the
paramilitaries and the narco-traffickers. But this paragraph is as damning as
it is brief. RAND grudgingly admits that Castaño's group derives "a
considerable extent" of its income from the drug trade and notes that eight
of the AUC's 19 death squads also serve as protection gangs for the cocaine

Castaño himself has boasted to CNN's International Division of his
relationship with the drug lords. He said that 70 percent of the funds for
the AUC come from the drug trade, with the remaining 30 percent, the RAND
report notes in a stark parenthesis, "coming largely from extortion."

The Colombian government under Pastrana (though not the Colombian generals)
takes the public position that the paramilitaries are at least as big of a
threat as the FARC and the ELN, and is moving, rhetorically, at least, to
suppress them. RAND condemns this approach as "unwise and shortsighted."
Better, RAND concludes, to mimic the Peruvian or Guatemalan counterinsurgency
models and fashion the death squads into "a supervised network of
self-defense organizations."

This "Peruvian model" was created by Vladimir Montesinos, the head of
Peruvian intelligence, recently extradited from Venezuela to Peru and
imprisoned in a high security prison he himself had helped to design.
Montesinos, a longtime CIA asset, won his spurs with his bloody tactics
against the Shining Path rebels but fell from grace when it came to light
that he had organized a shipment of arms from Jordan to the FARC. The CIA was
so enraged that it engineered his downfall.

According to Peruvian sources, the shipment of guns was originally intended
for the paramilitaries in Colombia (arranged with full CIA approval) which
the wily Montesinos sold for a higher price to the FARC. This story rings
true – Jordan is essentially a US colony, so it's likely that a weapons
shipment from there would have to be for a US-approved customer.

Even more menacingly, RAND suggests that the Colombians could reconfigure the
paramilitaries into roving National Guard units that will hunt-and-kill
guerrillas. RAND hints that this may already be under way with US help.
There's no question that the Colombian military, under the eye of US
advisers, is taking a more aggressive tactic, employing hunt-and-kill squads
supervised by School of America-trained officers. The RAND analysts were
particularly excited with the results of Operation Annihilator II, a bloody
raid on FARC strongholds in Sumapaz. RAND notes approvingly that the body
count from Colombian military strikes rose from 364 in 1999 to 506 in 2000.

Plan Colombia is inadequate to the task of eradicating cocaine or the FARC,
RAND warns. Moreover, RAND advises that the US contribution to the effort –
$862.3 million a year – is too paltry to make much of a difference.

RAND calmly ridicules the requirement for human rights training and
monitoring, which is attached to the US aid package. "There is a question of
the practical limitations on the Colombian government's ability to prevent
human rights violations in the context of an armed insurrection," the RAND
analysts comfortably contend. To buttress this assessment, RAND points to the
US experience in Vietnam, arguing that the slaughter of civilians is simply a
cost of doing business during wartime and that "even with disciplined troops,
the chain of command will ultimately break down at times under the stress of

Of course, most of the US massacres in Vietnam were the result of troops
carrying out official policy, such as the Phoenix missions, and not the
actions of crazed grunts going on killing sprees. The same is true in
Colombia, where in the past two years alone where 477 police and military
officers have been found guilty of human rights abuses by civilian courts.

The thrust of Plan Colombia's cocaine suppression campaign – and the bulk of
US aid – is aimed at Colombian troops seizing coca fields under FARC control
in the Putumayo district. This "southern strategy," RAND admits, is a thinly
veiled effort to re-channel anti-drug efforts into a full-blown assault on a
major FARC stronghold, with US helicopters doing the brunt of the air
assaults and US advisors providing aid to the fledgling Colombian military in
this riverine region and "for improved radar, airfields and intelligence

But RAND warns that by targeting coca production, particularly with the
widespread use of toxic fumigants, the Colombian military, and its US
advisors, may actually end up bolstering the FARC's public standing in the
region. "According to the governor of Putumayo, about 135,000 of the
district's 314,000 inhabitants depend directly on the coca crop for their
livelihood. Intensified coca eradication would probably be resisted by the
local population...."

RAND rightly notes that the aerial fumigation of coca crops is backfiring
politically. "Absent viable economic alternatives [such as crop substitution
and infrastructure development], fumigation may simply displace growers to
other regions and increase support for the guerrillas."

RAND concludes that the only solution is the elimination of the threat to the
"stability" of the region posed by the FARC and the ELN. It also advises the
Pentagon that "the Colombian government, left to its own devices, does not
have the institutional or material resources to reverse unfavorable trends."
One of those trends is the resurrection of the domino theory, called here the
"spillover effect." RAND suggests that if the US doesn't intervene, the
Colombian situation "will metastasize into a wider regional upheaval." It is
up to the US to act as the "deus ex machina" in this conflict.

Aside from stepping up direct military aid to Colombia, RAND urges the
Pentagon to expand the US military presence in the bordering nations,
including "helping Panama fill the security vacuum in its southern provinces."

The Marcella paper is a more distilled version of the RAND report. Marcella,
a specialist in South American matters at the Defense War College, suggests
that the future US role in Colombia become more like US operations in El
Salvador than Vietnam – which, we surmise, means the deployment of
death-squads-by-proxy. Remember that the firm of Cheney, Powell and Rumsfeld
has lately reassembled the old gang that directed such mayhem and misery in
Latin America during the 1980s: John Negroponte, Otto Reich and Elliott
Abrams. Marcella approvingly invokes the Thatcherite English theorist John
Dunn: "there cannot be political control without the capacity to coerce."

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