-Caveat Lector-

Israel vs Hamas: When Push Comes to Shove

By News Analysis
By John K. Cooley ABCNEWS
Thursday August 02 08:00 PM EDT

>From Benefactor to Foe

Hamas emerged in the 1980s as an offshoot of the old Muslim Brotherhood, a
militant organization founded in Egypt in the 1920s.

Equipped with a tough fighting arm, the Muslim Brotherhood fought Israel in
the 1948 war. Their guerillas also helped oust the British from their
occupation of Egypt in the early 1950s.

Today, the Brotherhood is formally outlawed in Egypt but continues to be
influential in Jordan, where it lives on as Hamas.

Israeli authorities initially encouraged and secretly aided Hamas in the
1980s as a useful religious counterweight to Arafat's more secular
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in Gaza.

But Hamas turned against its Israeli benefactors during the first intifada
in 1987. With the help of Muslim Brotherhood cadres, it created its
fighting and terrorist wing, named the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades after
the Palestinian leader who fought the British occupiers of Palestine in the

Today, the organization continues to provide social and community services
including the operation of schools and hospitals in the West Bank and Gaza.
Hamas is especially popular in Gaza, where the economic conditions are
worse than the West Bank.

A Challenge to Arafat

Although Hamas poses a challenge to Arafat's leadership, the aging
Palestinian leader has been careful not to antagonize the organization
fearing the wrath of Hamas' tens of thousands of supporters and

On its part, Hamas remains opposed to the Oslo peace process and in the
run-up to the 1996 Israeli elections, launched heavy suicide attacks in
Israel, killing 56 Israelis.

Their bloody attacks helped to elect hard-line Likud party leader Benjamin
Netanyahu as prime minister.

Like Netanyahu, Sharon has consistently and successfully used "peace with
security" as a campaign slogan. But the election slogans have quickly faded
into violence as Sharon's government, now committed to assassinating active
Hamas and other Palestinian resistance leaders, threatens to bring the
tottering Middle East peace initiatives to the brink of all-out war.

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