-Caveat Lector-

AP International
                  Netanyahu's Nephew Makes Appeal

                  by MARK LAVIE
                  Associated Press Writer

                  JERUSALEM (AP) -- A nephew of ex-Prime Minister
                  Benjamin Netanyahu, a hard-line politician with a
                  military background, has appealed to Israel's Supreme
                  Court for conscientious objector status.

                  Yonatan Ben-Artzi, a teen-ager facing the draft like all
                  Israeli 18-year-olds, told Israel television Wednesday
                  that he is opposed to all armies, ''and I don't want to be a
                  part of a violent organization like an army.'' Ben-Artzi's
                  father is a brother of Netanyahu's wife Sara.

                  Netanyahu, who served in the elite commando unit called
                  Sayeret Matkal during his army years, has been calling
                  for stiff military measures against the Palestinians in
                  response to 10 months of Palestinian-Israeli fighting.

                  Netanyahu's older brother, Yonatan, was a commander of
                  a 1976 Sayeret Matkal mission to rescue passengers from
                  a hijacked airliner in Entebbe, Uganda. Yonatan
                  Netanyahu was the only Israeli killed in the operation.

                  All Israeli 18-year-olds are liable for compulsory
                  military service. Men serve a minimum of three years and
                  women 21 months. Then most men are required to do
                  yearly reserve duty, some into their late 40s. However,
                  Ultra-Orthodox rabbinical students have always received
                  draft exemptions.

                  While there are only 17 conscientious objectors in Israel,
                  the overall phenomenon of skipping army service is
                  growing, though it was all but unheard of a generation
                  ago among mainstream Israelis.

                  Army figures show that 22 percent of the current class of
                  18-year-old Israelis are not serving. About 8.5 percent
                  have religious exemptions, while the others have medical
                  and other deferments. However, it is no longer
                  impossible for a draftee to persuade army recruiters to
                  respect his desire not to serve, a step that would have
                  resulted in social ostracism even a decade ago.

                  Ben-Artzi said neither Netanyahu nor his wife had talked
                  to him about his decision to try for conscientious objector
                  status. He said that was not important. ''I think it's
                  important to send a message to the other 6 million
                  citizens, besides him, that they should be open to this
                  option,'' he said.

                  Asked what would happen if all Israelis adopted his
                  views and the army ceased to exist, Ben-Artzi said that in
                  the modern age of ''CNN and the Internet,'' Arab armies
                  would not attack Israel.

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