-Caveat Lector-

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2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: August 7, 2001
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Why Jesse Jackson's Toyota boycott
is better than any government remedy

WASHINGTON, DC -- If you want to help achieve racial equality in
America, then joining Jesse Jackson's threatened boycott of Toyota is a
better way to accomplish that goal than by supporting government
affirmative action, the Libertarian Party said today.

"Want to force Toyota to reconsider its racial policies? Then a boycott is
the way to do it," said Steve Dasbach, the party's national director.
"Who needs affirmative action, government quotas, and politicians when
you've got the economic power of millions of Americans on your side?

"Not only that, it's refreshing to see Jesse Jackson, who usually
relies on the coercive power of government, to try a voluntary method of
solving a problem, such as a consumer boycott. That's why we applaud
Jackson for asking ordinary Americans -- rather than politicians -- to help
resolve this issue."

The longtime civil rights leader is expected to officially announce the
Toyota boycott at a meeting of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, which
begins Wednesday in Chicago.

Jackson has accused the Japanese automaker of discrimination
because only 55 of its 1,400 American dealerships are minority-owned.
Jackson said he was also angered by a recent Toyota advertisement
showing a close-up of a black person's smile that featured a gold RAV4 -
- a small sports utility vehicle -- embossed on a front tooth.

For Americans who share Jackson's concerns about Toyota, a
consumer-driven boycott is a far better way to achieve racial justice than
a government-mandated affirmative action program, said Dasbach.
Here's why:

* Boycotts let ordinary people have a "vote" in the process.

"If Jesse Jackson can persuade you that Toyota is awarding dealerships
in a racially biased manner, you can 'vote' for racial justice by refusing to
buy a Corolla, a Camry, or an RAV4," said Dasbach. "You can also try
to convince your friends and family to join the boycott.

"But if you disagree with the boycott -- and worry that Jackson is a
publicity-seeking race baiter who's targeting Toyota because it refused to
award lucrative dealerships to his friends -- then you can 'vote' for
Toyota by purchasing one of its vehicles. Either way, you as a
consumer get to decide who is right."

* Boycotts have an immediate effect.

"If millions of consumers decide not to purchase a product, it can have
an instantaneous and devastating impact on a company," said
Dasbach. "If a boycott against Toyota is launched on Wednesday, the
company could be feeling the impact by Thursday."

"Now compare that to the sluggish political process: First, you have to
mobilize enough support to convince a Congressman to introduce a bill;
then hire lobbyists to battle competing special interest groups,
lobbyists, and bureaucrats; and then try to get it approved by the
House, Senate, and president. After all that time, the problem you
originally wanted to solve may no longer even exist."

* Boycotts empower people, not politicians.

"With a boycott, you can decide whether to participate, based on your
values and your concept of racial justice," said Dasbach. "But with a
government program, politicians get to decide, based on what will garner
them more campaign contributions, more votes, and more power.
Whom do you trust more: Youself, or a politician?"

* Boycotts are temporary -- unlike government programs.

"A successful boycott serves its purpose, then goes away," said
Dasbach. "But every federal program spawns more government
bureaucrats whose jobs depend on finding an endless stream of real or
imaginary villains and victims. The result is that your business could be
the next target -- whether or not you've done anything wrong."

So, is Toyota really acting in a discriminatory fashion, and running
racially insensitive ads? The Libertarian Party doesn't know, admitted

"But we don't have to know," he said. "The great thing about a boycott,
like the one proposed by Jesse Jackson, is that you get to decide. If you
want to change the way Toyota does business, you have one of the
most powerful weapons in the world at your disposal: The power of your
wallet or pocketbook. It's up to you to decide how to use it."

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Best Wishes

Of course truth is stranger than fiction; after all, good fiction must
make sense.á - Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

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