-Caveat Lector-


Report: Lee not targeted by FBI because of race


Washington Post

WASHINGTON - Federal investigators did not target former Los Alamos nuclear
scientist Wen Ho Lee based on his ethnicity, according to a classified
report that is otherwise highly critical of the conduct of the FBI and
Energy Department during the investigation.

A version of the internal report by federal prosecutor Randy Bellows is
scheduled to be released publicly next week. It says that while the
government's espionage investigation of Dr. Lee, a native of Taiwan, had
many shortcomings, "racism was not one of them," said several people who
have reviewed its findings.

The report's findings on racism, which had not previously been revealed,
appear to contradict the accounts of at least two former Energy Department
officials. They include the former chief of counterintelligence, Robert
Vrooman, who has said in sworn statements that Dr. Lee was targeted for
investigation of whether he leaked nuclear secrets to China based largely
on his race.

Dr. Lee, who was jailed on 59 felony counts of mishandling classified
information and violating the Atomic Energy Act, pleaded guilty last
September to a single felony charge of mishandling classified information
after the government's case largely fell apart in court. He had spent nine
months in solitary confinement.

Dr. Lee, who is a naturalized U.S. citizen, has indicated in press reports
and court filings that he believes he was singled out because he is a
native of Taiwan.

The case prompted condemnations from Asian-American leaders, who accused
the government of engaging in racial profiling and stereotyping in the Lee

But Mr. Bellows' review is certain to figure prominently in a defamation
lawsuit by another energy official who contends that he was wrongly accused
of racism in the case.

Notra Trulock III, a former energy official who has filed a defamation
lawsuit against Dr. Lee, said Mr. Bellows' findings on race bolster his
suit, which alleges that Dr. Lee authorized supporters to accuse Mr.
Trulock of racism on the scientist's Web site.

A federal magistrate hearing the case has demanded portions of Mr. Bellows'
report from the Justice Department, which has tentatively scheduled its
release for Monday.

"I feel that I am exonerated," said Mr. Trulock, 53, who left the Energy
Department in August 1999. "I knew that racial profiling had not been
employed and that certainly I'm not a racist."

Dr. Lee's lead attorney, Mark Holscher, said he had not seen Mr. Bellows'
report and could not comment.

The 800-page report stems from an internal probe into the Chinese espionage
investigation ordered by former Attorney General Janet Reno in May 1999,
shortly after Dr. Lee was fired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in
New Mexico.

Dr. Lee and his wife, Sylvia, have filed a suit against the FBI, Justice
Department and Energy Department alleging that Dr. Lee's privacy was
violated by government leaks of his name to the press during the
investigation. Dr. Lee is also locked in a dispute with federal government
censors over whether his forthcoming autobiography violates security rules.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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