-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 08/07/2001 6:30:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << Well, that's pretty good. But you did leave out one or two key points.
> Firstly,
>  the house does not belong to you. The house belongs to an absentee landlord
> in
>  Turkey. After he lost the house in a poker game with the town officials, THEY
>  decided to split the house in two. It was a big house. THEN Prudy, your
>  story starts. After feeling guilty about the fires they helped start and not
>  put out, THEN they declared that half of the half of the house will be made
>  available to the burned out family. >>
> Wouldn't it be wonderful if the burned out family "took" just half the house.
>  Prudy

Yes it would. From the Jordan to Mediteranian, and the Palestinian half from
the Jordan to Arabia. As was the original partition before Trans- Jordan annexed
the West Bank and then lost it to Israel. Leaving a hostile enemy in the Jew's
half of the house.

But I'm glad you agree that Israel should take full posession of their half.


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