-Caveat Lector-

Hil: No Role In Kin's Pardon Push

By Kenneth R.  Bazinet
New York Daily News

WASHINGTON en. Hillary Clinton denied again yesterday that she knew about
her brother's role in trying to obtain presidential pardons.

Clinton was asked after a speech in Florida about allegations in an
unsigned White House memo that suggest she supported a presidential pardon
that Hugh Rodham sought for convicted cocaine dealer Carlos Vignali.

"I didn't know anything, and that's what I've said, that's what my
brother's lawyer has said," she told The Associated Press. "That happens to
be the truth."

In the memo, which surfaced this week, Rodham was said to claim he had his
sister's backing in seeking a pardon for Vignali - among 177 pardons and
clemencies then-President Bill Clinton granted on his last day in office.

"Hugh says this is very important to him and the First Lady, as well as
others," says the unsigned memo, written on White House stationery and
discovered in a file owned by former deputy White House counsel Bruce
Lindsey. Lindsey oversaw the pardon process.

A former senior Clinton official said: "All this proves is Hugh Rodham had
bad judgment and tried to throw his weight around."

Vignali's family paid Rodham $204,000 in an effort to coax the President
into granting the pardon. Rodham and Hillary Clinton have denied that she
knew anything about her brother's pardon push.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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