-Caveat Lector-

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 There have been frequent attempts in recent years to patent things that
have been around for centuries in other countries---Neem oil and Basmati
rice are two of these attempts---and if no one contests them, the patents
issue as an unjustified restraint on trade.

Texas company's attempt to patent a type of basmati rice became a touchstone
for anti-globalization protest in the 1990's. But the long-simmering issue
was largely settled this week, when the United States granted a narrower
patent to the company, Ricetec of Alvin, Tex. The United States originally
granted the patent in 1997, touching a nerve in India, leading to a
challenge by the Indian government and igniting demonstrations against what
was termed a piracy of emerging nations' indigenous products. After this
week's decision, the Indian government said it saw no reason for further
dispute. The new patent is limited to a few variants of the rice and will
not hamper export of its own basmati product, the government concluded.
Still, scientists in India are complaining about future problems while
evaluating the impact, and opposition politicians are agitating for further
action. The protests in the late 1990's were led by Vandana Shiva, who
called Ricetec's claim to basmati rice absurd. She termed the limited scope
of the final patent largely a success. But, she warned, "the battle against
Ricetec is just the beginning of India's battle against bio-piracy and theft
of indigenous plant wealth." For most Indians, the basmati controversy went
beyond the economic impact of one product. Basmati, an aromatic rice used in
virtually every Indian kitchen, is considered a national heritage. The long-
grain rice, whose grains remain petal-soft and separate after cooking, grows
in the Punjab region in the north, and across the border in Pakistan. In
1997, the United States initially granted a broad basmati patent to Ricetec,
which developed several strains of rice marketed under various names as
similar to basmati. Of the 20 claims made by the company, most related to
the rice plant, with others covering the grain and farming methods. The
American decision created an uproar as bitter Indians expressed frustration
that successive governments had let India lose claim to basmati, which had
never been trademarked. India and its rival Pakistan said they would fight
the patent, calling it a threat to the economic survival of thousands of
farmers in the subcontinent. More than 50,000 people demonstrated in front
of the United Sates Embassy against the patent. At the World Trade
Organization conference in Seattle, India protested the agreement on
trade-related intellectual property rights, which had led to a spate of
patents for western companies, including for basmati rice. Another coalition
denounced the basmati rice patent at the Seattle meeting, and called on
W.T.O. members to accept that the rights of farmers and communities precede
intellectual property rights. At the Summit of the Americas in Quebec,
activists protested against the prospect of intellectual property protection
that would work to the advantage of multinationals involved in genetic
engineering of agricultural products - like basmati developed over hundreds
of years - at the expense of small farmers in developing countries. For
years, India largely ignored any claim or legal protection for growers and
marketers of basmati. A bill has been introduced to recognize produce as
belonging to a specific geographical area, but it is still pending before a
panel of the Parliament. Given that basmati is not patented by geographic
location even within India, the country's international patent appeal
appears weak. For over two decades "basmati" has been used in the United
States to describe long-grain aromatic rice grown domestically. This usage
went unchallenged by India, so much so that the patent claims were under the
plea of "long usage" provided for in trade-related intellectual property
rights. The premium grain stacked up in American supermarkets under brand
names like Calmati, which comes from California, and Texmati and Kasmati,
which are marketed by Ricetec. Indian basmati exporters dismiss these
varieties as basmati imitations. The distinct aroma and the texture of
basmati comes from the Indian soil irrigated by waters from the Himalayan
rivers, they say. India urged the United States Patent and Trade Office in
April 2000 to re-examine certain Ricetec claims that India felt posed a
threat to Indian basmati exports to the United States. In hundreds of pages
of scientific evidence, India argued that its basmati varieties already had
the characteristics claimed as unique by Ricetec. India protested Ricetec's
claim to the term basmati, and insisted that the appellation should be
reserved for rice grown in a specific region in India. The argument is much
like the one that has been used successfully to limit Champagne to France
and Scotch whiskey to Scotland. Ricetec subsequently withdrew some 15
claims. The American patent office just issued a patent on the claims
dealing with three strains of the rice developed by the company. While the
government said it was satisfied, opposition politicians stalled proceedings
in the Indian Parliament demanding that the government challenge the patent.
On Tuesday, the commerce minister, Digvijay Singh, tried to pacify members
of Parliament, saying Ricetec had received only a varietal patent so it
could sell its rice as a superior strain of basmati. India could also
develop its own different strains of basmati, he said. Ms. Shiva, the
protester, saw the narrowing of the patent as a significant accomplishment.
"What remains is a farmers' battle, because Ricetec's strains have been bred
from traditional Indian and Pakistani basmati varieties," she said.
Activists will continue to urge the government to pursue a trademark battle
for the basmati name. But scientists, including Dr. S. A. Siddiq of the
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, remain skeptical about India's
ability to thwart piracy of traditional basmati strains. "India exports a
million tons of basmati a year, and India is complacent because the Ricetec
patent does not hinder that," Dr. Siddiq said. The issue goes beyond mere
protection of trade and export of the rice. "The basmati patent came so
suddenly that India has just woken up to the threat to its traditional plant
wealth," Dr. Siddiq said. "We have to get our laws in place."  Ms. Shiva
says that allowing multinational companies to patent indigenous produce and
knowledge is a theft and has resulted in the revoking of a European patent
for the traditional Indian neem tree. Patent fights are on for medicinal
turmeric and tamarind. "Granting exclusive patent rights amounts to stealing
economic options of daily survival from the developing world," Ms. Shiva

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Best wishes

It is not the business of government to make men virtuous or religious,
or to preserve the fool from the consequences of his own folly.
Government should be repressive no further than is necessary to secure
liberty by protecting the equal rights of each from aggression on the
part of others, and the moment governmental prohibitions extend beyond
this line they are in danger of defeating the very ends they are
intended to serve. - Henry George

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