-Caveat Lector-


By: Barbara Stanley

        I watched in horror as the BATF sacrificed a motorcycle cop to excuse their
        burning down a house with a suspect in it. That’s right: a suspect! Not a
        murderer, not someone who wasn’t easy to nab on the street (like Koresh
could have been nabbed) while going for the daily paper. And to top it off, the
        home of this ‘suspect’ was burned to the ground, while robot water cannons
        sprayed the neighbors’ homes. Will I ever know just who’s bullet was taken
        from the slain officers head; will I ever know why he was called in to assist
        a SWAT team when it is usually the other way around? I always thought if the
        local p.d. couldn’t get the job done, they called in the SWAT team, but not
        in this case, if the reporting sequence is to be believed. Did the BATF need
        a reason and this officer’s life was it, to apply their own kind of justice?
        I saw several tear gas canisters tossed into the house and what appeared, by
        the flash of bright, quick light, to be a flash-bang grenade and soon
        thereafter, the house was involved in fire. Did the firefighters work to
        extinquish the flames with their safely distanced water hoses? Nope. After
        all, the BATF cannot afford any evidence, can they? Is this the instant
        justice that awaits anyone who is on their list?

        Ok, W, time to step up to the plate and scrap the bullyboys in black shirts.
        Reno ain’t at DOJ anymore and the corrupt Clinton team isn’t in charge. How
        did this happen? Was the suspected cache of guns illegal? Is anyone who
owns more than one gun safe in their homes? Is he really a felon as the BATF
        claim? Is anyone comfortable taking anything the BATF says as gospel? Will
        the fire department stand by and watch an American citizen burn alive as they
        become complicit in this street justice? Will your neighborhood be next? Did
        the BATF consider the neighbors while they fired live rounds in their

        Maybe the BATF first put up a red-haired, pony-tailed black woman to spout
        their nonsense because no one would say anything about that protected
        minority class and maybe the BATF later put up what looked like a muscle man
        to give some non-answers and, perhaps, propagandize with, finally, a
        spokesman for the local police, but I’m not buying it. A suspect is dead. His
        property is burned to the ground. The evidence is as gone with the wind as
        was in the case of Waco and the Murrah Building… so many questions, so few
        answers but too much bad conduct. This should scare the bejeezus out of

        How interesting that the suspect is not around to give his side of the story.
        How convenient that the evidence is rubble. I completely expect the ashes to
        yield only what the BATF want them to yield and their investigation is surely
        suspect from here on out. As suspect as from the very beginning, shades of
        Waco and Oklahoma City. Only this time, the actual trial was scrapped for the
        instant burn-down after the dust-up.

        Will Americans stand for this? Will Americans even know? I checked around
the major media at the six o’clock news hour, and aside from Hillary Clinton
        discussing produce and supermarkets (as if she would know), heard nothing
        about this travesty. What I would have thought was a first story, never even
        showed up on the radar as local news bumped the Santa Clarita pogrom.

        Even Fox news is saying, “This is nothing like Waco”. Oh, really? And just
        what leads them to make this claim? Haven’t we had enough of police
        standoffs? Haven’t we had enough of shoot first and ask questions later? Is
        any American safe? While Rita Cosby continues on about Condit, sounding
like Dan Ackroyd doing Julia Childs, will anyone get to the bottom of this horror
        and make the BAFT accountable? I’m not holding my breath if the first reports
        are any indication of what is to come. Will this story cool on the ashes of
        someone’s home and life?

        We all know about the goon squad’s penchant to get an address wrong and
        destroy the innocent lives of non-criminals. But, with the current gun laws
        that obviate the Constitutional protections to own firearms, is anyone safe
        anymore? What happened to getting a day in court? Would you not defend
your own home should the BATF goons break down your door? Is it time for
Americans to scream down the rafters and demand answers? Will some illiterate
Goon squad misread your address and destroy your life someday?

        Innocent until proven guilty? Not as long as the BATF has their way. Break
        out the tear gas and let’s get it on, their new motto. Serve and protect?



Best wishes

If one comes to kill you, make haste and kill him first. ~~The Talmud

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