-Caveat Lector-

Listen  neuropychotic - my friend had daily contact with the Hoffa
family after he disappeared - Hoffa picked the right publisher, though -
Stein and Day  for virtually his last will and testament.

And the Jewish Mafia doctor sat in my office once with the I Have A
Secret smile....the boat he got Hoffa away or dumped him in the drink,
he then renamed The Great Escape.

$50,000 reward for her whereabouts - or body?

Chandra met with same type of Great Ecape.   Dr. Donald Plotnick in
prison chummed with Bobby Baker, and sat a whole year - this fatso limp
wrist assassin - in same cell with Hoffa who "protected" him from the
Italian gang  for those Italians did not like what appeared to them to
be a fatso Jewish Mob pansy.

Now before you open your mouth further do a litle research on your own -
and I still have my letter from "Lowenstein" or Lowenthall - written on
the Criminal Justice stationary setting up appointment to meet with
Hoffa only I did not go for I was told  maybe I might fall from a high
rise hotel window and it would be called a suicide and a friend told me

When Enquirer offered the $50,000 was when my old MI6 friend picked up
signal......she also said Stein and Day had Nazi connections during WWII
however she would try to keep me away from any publishers other than her

So one finds the purer one's blood the more receptive one is.......and
you know how the Scotch-Irish are - and once a psychic gets there hook
into you forget it bucko - you have a problem.

The man who told me Hoffa was alive was Al Haft Jr........he is also the
man who dropped enough clues tht I figured out it was this Doctor and
these people who murdered a Dr. Walter Bond....it was also this man who
had a falling out with these people for they were stealing him blind -
and would not return a diamond ring worth over $30,000 - in fact when
this dr. came to divorce court - his then wife was wering a stolen
diamond ring of the Haft family - it belonged to this wonderful woman
who had never done harm to anyone.....

What wouldyou expect of anyone who entertained Meyer Lansky and afforded
a jewish hit man space on his farm who murdered no doubt more people
than Clinton.

This city of Columbus - crooked mob money is taking over big time....but
what they have left in Columbus isn't much for even Wexner came out to
our town to live....hear he is having financial problems now.

Might add Larry Flyng and this Dr. Irving Moskowitz have some gambling
casino interests and they will no doubt in combined effort do unto
Israel what Lansky did unto Cuba?

So a Gideon Bible unto you asshole.


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