-Caveat Lector-

The following articles are the result of the most extensive search
I can do on this subject.  The first is the most critical report I
was able to find and it contains an accusation that the coroner
performing the autopsy is poorly qualified and questions his
credentials.  Unfortunately, it is anonymous but should keep the
questions open.  Scarborough was in Washington when this death
happened.  There were no rumors connecting his to anything
scandalous with this aide found dead in his office, at least not
before this.

Apparently Scarborough was divorced about three years ago following
some scandal in which he was said to be involved with an aide.  No
name available nor any details.  He was also one of the ones to
introduce a bill closing the dreaded School of the Americas and had
introduced another in May of this year to close the other outfit
engaged in training of assassins and terrorist activities.
Interestingly, another one sponsoring the bill, Moakley of
Massachusetts recently died of leukemia, I believe it was.

But it appears the Congressman was highly regarded and followed a
regular conservative agenda.  Article by Chuck Baldwin also below.
One thing I read said one of his sons was suffering from juvenile
diabetes and "other physical challenges."  Could be he thinks if he
were home full time he could get his family back together with the
sons still so young?  Rumors include he has been offered his own
cable TV show but his joining the Levin law firm of tobacco
settlement fame have been pretty much collaborated for one report
said the firm will provide him with his own airplane.

Now another interesting thing that he did was attend one day of the
trial of Lori Berenson in Peru which is considered controversial by
some.  It was at the request of her parents.

So, the most indicting article is below with a couple more links on
Scarborough.  If there is more of a scandal involved, it is not to
be found on the Internet.  The site of the article has a 'watch' on
this for they are Democrats wanting this to be a scandal of the
Condit/Levy proportion whether it is or not.  I am wondering how
long the aide was lying there for the nightwatchman has given two
accounts of the night before.  Was there a break-in to this office
that perhaps this aide interrupted?  Were files taken or computers
accessed?  Was this some sort of sinister warning to the
Congressman of the mafia type?  Is there a scheme to blackmail
congressmen with scandals involving aides?  If so, by whom and for
what reason?

Guess we will just have to watch this event and see if there are
further developments for to date, nothing has surfaced other than
the following items of interest.

Information On Death Of Scarborough's Aide
Authored by: Anonymous on Friday, August 10 2001 @ 12:36 PM EDT
The Northwest Florida Daily News is the paper of origin for
coverage of this suspicious death in Florida of a 28 year old
intern that worked for republican Rep. Joe
Scarborough.Busushwatch.com has picked it up and articles are
archieved there.American Politics Journal also has done a piece on
Special Report

A Death in the Congressman's Office
Does Anybody in the Press Care About Lori Klausutis?

By Denis Wright and Chris George

Once upon a time, the phrase "investigative reporter" actually
meant something. It usually involved hard work, possibly even
mentation. Now, it seems, they just make stuff up. Especially on
the Fox News Channel, where an uninitiated viewer could easily
think she/he had tuned in Comedy Central. It's
"Chandra-Chandra-Chandra" with the occasional "Condit is just like
Clinton" thrown in. Given our media's 24/7 obsession with the Gary
Condit "scandal", you might assume that there is a real dearth of
hard news to pursue.

In reality, there is indeed a news story percolating out there. The
story bears remarkable and ironic similarities to the Condit/Levy
story. Both involve Congressmen, rumors of infidelity, and the fate
of a younger female subordinate. The details are so similar as to
remind one of two alternate universes. The difference between the
two stories? First, in the Klausutis case as not in the Levy case,
there is a real body, very dead. Second, the Klausutis case
involves a Republican.

The story had a brief flutter in the Northwest Florida press, which
ran a few very short stories on Lori's death. With the exception of
the Northwest Florida Journal, they were of the
"Aw-what-a-shame/nothing-to-see-here-move-along-now-folks" variety.
But nationally, this mysterious death earned a mere one paragraph
mention in The Washington Post's NATION IN BRIEF column:

"FORT WALTON BEACH, FLa. - Lori Klausutis, a 28-year-old office
worker for Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-Fl), was found dead in the
congressman's district office. Police said preliminary findings
from the medical examiner's office showed no foul play or any
outward indication of suicide."

Unbelievably, that was it. The story was simply dropped. A young
female employee of one of Florida's Congressmen had died
unexpectedly in the Congressman's office. There were no witnesses
to her death and the cause of death was not apparent. Klausutis'
boss, Joe Scarborough had recently resigned from Congress
prematurely and unexpectedly, amid rumors about his marital
fidelity and soon after a divorce. He had also abruptly resigned as
publisher of the Independent Florida Sun, claiming that resigning
from Congress and as publisher was necessary to spend more time
with his sons.

Such circumstances make one pause. Sick to death of the clear bias
of the corporate owned media, and suspicious of the odd nature of
this death, we began to dig for answers. The more information we
discovered, the more unlikely, and the more newsworthy the story

Here are the facts. Lori Klausutis had a seemingly happy life. A
devoted husband who listed on his online homepage "being married to
Lori" as one of the honors he enjoyed, a new home in Niceville and
a Catholic congregation where she was a cantor and in whose choir
she sang, were some of the elements of the Good Life she enjoyed.
Her husband, Dr. Timothy Klausutis, did research and development
for the munitions group at nearby Eglin Air Force Base, where he
presumably made a good livlihood. Although Lori hailed from the
Atlanta, Georgia area where she had attended school, there were
numerous family members in the area. According to her obituary in
the Fort Walton Daily News, Lori had served as President and,
later, Treasurer, for the Emerald Coast Young Republican's and as a
aide to Congressman Scarborough, she was active during the Florida
recounts. A former neighbor, Barbara Cromer, said "Every morning, I
would see her run while I walked. We'd wave to each other as we
passed. I loved Lori so much. She was wonderful. She was a kind,
generous person, so sweet.

Then, on Friday, July 20th, the body of Lori Klausutis, 28, was
found slumped next to a desk on the floor of Florida Republican
Congressman Joe Scarborough's Fort Walton Beach office where Lori
had served as a constituent services coordinator since May, 1999.
Her body was found around 8:00 a.m. on Friday morning by a couple
arriving for an appointment. She had been dead for some time. A
second employee, who would have normally arrived for work at around
the same time, was away on vacation. Police cordoned off the area
for investigation, later announcing that there was no reason to
suspect foul play, nor were there signs of suicide.

Scarborough's office released a statement several hours after the

"My staff and family are greatly saddened by the loss of Lori
Klausutis. I know Lori will be missed by the thousands of citizens
who regularly contact my office to seek assistance with a variety
of problems. May God grant Lori's family the grace, comfort and
hope that will get them through this difficult time."

The Congressman returned to Florida that same day, and his office
was quick to point out that it was not unusual for him to fly home
for the weekend.

There was a great deal of ambiguity over whether Lori had suffered
past medical problems. Scarborough's press secretary, Miguel
Serrano, made mention of health problems in Lori's past, but could
not be more specific. In response, Fort Walton Beach Police Chief
Steve Hogue is quoted as saying "That's part of our investigation,
checking into her medical history." Associate Medical Examiner Dr.
Michael Berkland said "She had a past medical history that was
significant, but it remains to be seen whether that played a role
in her death". Soon after a member of the immediate family rejected
out of hand that Lori had any significant medical problems. She
was, in fact, quite an athlete, having recently run an 8K with a
very respectable time and she belonged to the Northwest Florida
Track Club.

The results of the mandated autopsy, however, were deemed
"inconclusive" by Dr. Berkland, who ordered more specific
toxicology tests. These results were expected by the middle of the
following week, around the first or second day of August. Dr.
Berkland commented at the time "This turns over several puzzle
pieces in the case of her death and reveals more of the picture".

Welcome to the Wheel of Fortune.

Michael Berkland, it turns out, has a very interesting background
himself. Recently relocated to Florida, it is a matter of public
record that Dr. Berkland's medical license in the state of Missouri
was revoked in 1998 as a result of Berkland reporting false
information regarding brain tissue samples in a 1996 autopsy
report. Berkland does not deny the charges.

It's also a matter of public record that he was suspended from his
position as Medical Examiner in the State of Florida in July, 1999.

Quincy, he's not.

Repeated requests to Dr. Stephen Nelson, Chairman of the Medical
Examiners Commission, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, have
failed to verify that Dr. Berkland's suspension was lifted and that
his licensure and disciplinary record are clear at the present
time. Dr. Nelson was appointed Chairman of the Commission by
Governor Jeb Bush.

As for Lori Klausutis, rumors began to swirl as time passed with no
resolution to the case, rumors that included whispers of suicide,
some emanating from inside the Beltway. Family members, angered at
what they considered unfair and exploitive coverage wrote the
editor of the North West Florida Daily News, Ralph Routon, saying
"For those who knew Lori, the thought of suicide, as your published
reports suggested, is absolutely unthinkable. Suicide was contrary
to her faith and being. She did not suffer from seizures, nor did
she have a history of medical problems." Meanwhile, the final
report has been issued that Lori died as a result of a blow to the
head because an undiagnosed heart condition caused her to collapse
and fall, hitting her head on the desk.

The initial reports from the Medical Examiner's office denied any
trauma to the body that would indicate cause of death. But Berkland
acknowledged on Monday, August 6th, that Lori had sustained a
"scratch and a bruise" on her head and that his original denials
were to prevent undue speculation about the cause of death. "The
last thing we wanted was 40 questions about a head injury", he

And so, what we have here is the death of a healthy young woman who
died of a blow to the head and a lie from the Medical Director's
office about this blow which was quite obvious to the naked eye.
They then had to go search for some reason why she might have
"fallen" and hit her head. And they have found an "undiagnosed
cardiac arrhythmia". But a number of questions remain to be
answered, and we have requested opinions from Dr. Nelson, the
Chairman of the Medical Examiners Commission.

The questions are:

- Were Lori's medical records thoroughly examined for any evidence
of the pre-existing heart condition? It would seem that someone
must have examined her heart if she ran 8Ks.

- Did Dr. Berkland personally examine the site of death in
undisturbed condition in order to support his later conclusion that
the physical evidence was compatible with his later conclusions?

Presumably the heart valve condition alluded to is Mitral Valve
Prolapse. This may be associated with arrhymias, but rarely with
VTach (Ventricular Tachacardia) or VFib (Ventricular Fibrillation),
the only arrhythmias which would stop the flow of blood to the

Generally, with syncope of whatever cause the "guarding reflex",
wherein one raises a hand to protect the head, is preserved.

There are several problems with the head injury. Generally, for a
closed head injury to cause bleeding inside the skull, there is a
much more severe injury on the outside of the skull. Do the autopsy
notes, indeed, describe such a severe injury on the outside of the
skull? In fact, the only closed head injury which usually may cause
bleeding inside the skull involves a fracture of the temporal bone,
with rupture of the underlying artery. The most important
discrepancy that should be answered is how intracranial bleeding
could continue if the cardiac arrhythmia had caused a cessation of
blood flow to the brain!

- Were the toxicology studies entirely negative? Was there evidence
of any legal or illegal substance in the blood stream which could
have caused her to lose consciousness?

- Was she pregnant? If so, were fetal blood specimens obtained to
determine paternity?

These are the questions being asked by some in the medical
community of Dr. Stephen Nelson and Dr. Michael Berkland, and they
continue to go unanswered.

Why is there a complete media blackout on this story? Why the
complete preoccupation with the similar but largely speculative
Condit/Lefy story? What does this say about the state of our press?
What does corporate ownership of the press do to what gets to be
news? How much of what we think we know as fact is actually based
on selective and distorted reporting? How does that "fair and
balanced" cable network explain the complete hypocrisy and contempt
for truth in their handling of these two similar tales? Will we
ever know the truth of how Lori Klausutis died?

A recent check of the Young Republican's web site found no mention
of Lori or her contributions, nor any tribute to her memory nor
comments about her passing. In fact, you will find no mention of
her at all. If you go to The Pensacole News Journal's online pages,
one of the few papers that actually covered the story, and search
the site for "Klausutis" you will come up empty, even though the
same search will pull up numerous stories matching "Scarborough".
It seems as though someone wants to erase all traces of Lori
Klausutis from the record and bury the story with her.

It's an increasingly puzzling case. We are reminded of the famous
Kitty Genovese case, in New York, in 1964, where a young woman
pleaded for her life over the period of 30 minutes, while neighbors
ignored her cries. The assailant returned three times to stab her.
With Lori Klausutis, it seems possible that a corrupt North Florida
establishment is determined to keep the lid on the case, even if
that means silencing the news. And our esteemed news media, from
the supposed mainstream liberal press stalwarts to the near
delusional on air shouters of the channel that just reports so that
you can decide, willingly turn the other way and ignore Lori
Klausutis. But they continue to chatter endlessly in speculation
over Chandra Levy. In so doing, they ignore the cries of truth,
they deny their viewers access to the truth and they utterly, once
and for all, betray our faith and trust in the media.


This report was made possible by devoted citizens who are
determined to bring Lori's story to the light of day. Their
contributions in research and insight are more appreciated than we
can say. Thank you from both of us to each and every one of you.


"Not So Regular Joe" by Chuck Baldwin:

School of the Americas Watch on Scarborough:

begin 666 Democrats with Spine - Political News Digest and Discussion.url
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