-Caveat Lector-

Scientist reveals 'green' bombs for soldiers plan

Tue,  4 Sep 2001

Soldiers could soon be carrying 'green grenades' filled with an
environmentally friendly explosive.

Scientists are developing new kinds weapons which do not pollute their

They will be just as effective at killing the enemy - but will not harm the
environment or risk the health of the soldiers using them.

Professor Thomas Klaptoke, a German researcher from Ludwig-Maximilians
University in Munich, who is working on the materials, said: "It's a very
important issue.

"You have to keep in mind that shooting, missile launches and explosions,
within the army and also the police force, are done 99.9% in training.

"Neither do you want to pollute your own environment nor do you want to put
your own policemen and soldiers at risk."

The aim is to replace potentially toxic metals and chlorine-based chemicals
with materials like nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon.

"All you get from these materials is virtually hot air," said Professor
Klaptoke, speaking at the British Association science festival at Glasgow

He said his team of researchers, working for the German Army, had patented
at least two new environmentally friendly explosives. So far they had not
been used in the field.

See this story on the web at http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_389983.html

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