-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Sunday, Sept. 2, 2001 1:08 a.m. EDT

Clinton Eyeing Third Presidential Run?

In an impromptu question-and-answer session with reporters before a formal
interview last week with the Las Vegas Sun, ex-president Bill Clinton said
he thought the 22nd Amendment could be changed to permit him to run for a
third term as president.

The previously unreported comments were covered in this week's Las Vegas
Weekly, which revealed that Clinton said during the give-and-take that it's
conceivable an ex-president like himself "could be re-elected."

"Clinton had obviously researched the subject," the paper observed, since
he spoke "for five minutes about constitutional law and academic studies
about the prospect" of revising the 22nd Amendment limiting a president to
two terms.

"Some constitutional experts think it is possible," the top Democrat told
his audience.

When one reporter asked if he would consider running again, Clinton
declined to respond directly, but noted that he would "probably do well" in
another election because he finished his second term with a 65 percent
approval rating.

Last December the ex-president told a reporter that the 22nd Amendment was
seen as too restrictive by some and could be changed to limit the president
to two "consecutive" terms. That would allow him to run again in 2004.

In his formal interview with the Sun, Clinton said, "I would have probably
done the job forever, if I could have, if we didn't have a two-term limit.
But on the other hand, I respect the system we have, and I've actually very
much enjoyed having a private life."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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