-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Property Owners get no Help from Bush
By Chuck Baldwin
September 4, 2001

If property rights advocates thought they would find a friend in the new
Bush administration, they certainly thought wrong. After eight years of
socialistic policies from the Clinton administration, property owners were
eager to support Bush. After all, candidate George Bush often trumpeted the
themes of more freedom and less government while on the campaign trail.
However, as pro-life and pro-family conservatives have discovered, so too
property rights advocates must be realizing that Bush's commitment to the
conservative agenda is non-existent.

After betraying the pro-life cause by authorizing federal funding for
embryonic stem cell research, Bush just last week betrayed the pro-family
cause again by appointing another open homosexual to his administration.
Furthermore, what has Bush done to assist the struggling farmers in the
Klamath Basin? One word from Bush would turn the water back on and save one
thousand farms; however, Bush would rather put hard working farmers out of
work in order to maintain a socialist, protect-the-fish policy enacted by
his predecessor, and it just keeps getting worse.

MSNBC recently reported that the Bush administration is expanding the
Endangered Species Act to protect such things as the pygmy rabbit in
Washington State, the Tumbling Creek cave snail in Missouri, and the Carson
wandering skipper butterfly in California and Nevada. Bush is also proposing
that eight additional species be added to the endangered species list. Did I
mention that Bush also wants to carve out "habitat" (from private property)
for the Gila chub in New Mexico and Arizona and for freshwater snails in New
Mexico. He does.

What is worse is that many professing conservatives have been taken in by
Bush's charm and are bending over backwards to accommodate his left-wing
policies. Alan Keyes was right when he said, "The Bush administration is
skillfully lobotomizing the moral conservative cause in America because it
is unwilling or afraid to take the positions that are best for America."

After only a few months in office, President Bush has abandoned the
conservative position on virtually every principle worth noting. Whether the
issue is the sanctity of human life, the pro-family cause, property rights,
education, Affirmative Action, New World Order policies, China, federal law
enforcement abuses, or limited government, Bush has surrendered conservative

In fact, Bush is running away from conservative, constitutional policies
faster than the Iraqi army ran out of Kuwait. Bush, not Hussein, has
orchestrated the "mother of all retreats." It is now time for conservatives
to retreat from him. If conservatives stick with Bush, the conservative
movement (if there is one anymore) is dead.

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