[If this is off-topic to some of the Lists, requesting waiver do to
importance of the Topic.]


PRINCETON, NJ -- Mexican President Vicente Fox reportedly surprised his White
House hosts at a welcoming ceremony Wednesday by forsaking the usual
diplomatic bromides and launching into an intensive lobbying effort on behalf
of amnesty for the estimated three million Mexican immigrants now living in
the United States illegally. Gallup polling about blanket amnesty for illegal
immigrants more generally finds the public widely unsympathetic to this
proposal, with only 6% supporting it. An additional 20% think that
citizenship should be granted selectively to illegal immigrant workers who
have been here a specified length of time and paid taxes, but two-thirds of
Americans think that the United States should not do anything to facilitate
citizenship for illegal immigrants.


Make sure you visit the Website for the full story.

GeeW should open his eyes, or he has sold out our Sovereignty to the sweat
shops  who are minions of the international bankster cartel.

Archibald Bard

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