-Caveat Lector-

Amelia - remember Terry Nicols had gold and he did go to Philipines.

Read something on web recently about all the gold Japan had stashed on
Philipine Islands.....this might be why Japan has slowly virtually
bought this Island.....Marcos Gold I think was hidden in this dead
volcano, at least a portion thereof....

Will check out on Nicols.....it all looks like big drug, gun running,
and what have you; but what I wonder about most, is this KGB paying this
FBI agent partially in diamonds?

So many diamonds floating around......by the way this guy here in our
area, this doctor who was in same cell as Hoffa - this is the one who
was also into guns, drugs and pal of Meyer Lansky but Hoffa and he were
friends and Hoffa trusted him - the one I was told who got him up to
Canada (and he called his boat The Great Escape).....the guy did have a
sense of humor.....

I see now why this Herzi wanted Uganda for the Promised Land - big foot
in Africa and they are after the natural resources, aren't they?

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