-Caveat Lector-

Saba wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Not necessarily so Mr. Cooper for the Grand Dragon then was a friend of
> mine, named Marvin Miller.......
> Always liked him - I had researched the KKK and discovered the real KKK
> used masonic rituals and were Knights of Golden Circle.
> Skin heads and these thugs you see in the streets, are not Klansmen.
> Real KKK you never see; problem today thougoh more FBI in KKK than KKK?
> I had an Uncle who was Secret Service and KKK - and in our town when
> kids our janitor was KKK with big mouth and one night let us say there
> was a stranger at midnight that beat the hell out of him.
> My father was an Irish Catholic - and remember talk of the Black Legion
> in the area....
> Oh I know enough about the REAL KKK and its rituals and masonic rituals
> to know and today I guess, no longer sword to chest when sworn in but
> submachine gun?
> I do know this - at one time the KKK was comprised of literate, and
> aristocratic gentlemen - John Glenn's parents were KKK........
> The KGB formed its own little KKK for the Walker spies....remember them?
> Well well that bunch got caught, 5 dragons burned their robes and went
> back to sleep.
> So do not worried about my fractured mind - worry about your obvious
> intention is questioning my letter?
> Then read Romans 12 and go Climb Stone Mountain.
> Saba
> >From Old Southen Family on Mother's Side who knows a Know Nothing from a
> Klansman.

Finally. The truth about Saba bubles to the surface like a fart in the bathtub.


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