-Caveat Lector-

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To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   "Noble" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Sat, 08 Sep 2001 17:57:43 -0000
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                [infowars] 1000 dead in La Paz, Spain of
pesticide poisoning; the cover-up; the expose

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http://www.getipm.com/articles/spain-organophates.htm is the
(this news carried by The Guardian, UK, 8-25-01)

Very briefly, then: "According to a survey carried out in 2000 by the
scientific body, Institute of Professionals, Managers and
Specialists, 1 in 3 scientists working for government quangos or
newly privatized labs has been asked to adjust conclusions to suit
the sponsor."

La Paz, Spain. Dr. Angel Peralta on 5-12-81 received a telephone
from Spain's health ministry ordering him to say nothing about the
epidemic (that killed 1000 & seriously wounded 25,000 there) and
certainly nothing about organo-phosphorus poisoning. In 1983
convened a medical conference in Madrid that formally ratified the
Spanish government position that cooking oil was to blame for the
poisoning. Oil merchants were tried and found guilty of poisoning.
But Muro and his colleagues thru months of independent research
the poison source: pesticides on tomatoes from Almeria (a
agriculture center). In 1985 Muro died of a mysterious illness and
his findings have never yet been accepted by the Spanish
No cooking oil contaminant has yet been found by labs around the
world to be the source of this La Paz poisoning.

In 1989 a similar outbreak probably involving organo-phosphates
occured in the USA, first identified in New Mexico, and affected
1500. L-Tryptophan, an amino acid supplement, was blamed. L-
Tryptophan has never been shown to be responsible and has been
by millions of Americans in the 1980s but is now banned in US and
Europe. Funding was available for scientists who wished to pursue
official line, but not for those who held different views. (Much of
the former is direct quoting, somewhat condensed.)

------- End of forwarded message -------

Best wishes

By definition, a government has no conscience. Sometimes it has a
policy, but nothing more. ~~Albert Camus

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