-Caveat Lector-

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Globalisation, the New World Order and the stru…</A>
The New World Order and
the struggle for a humanly dignified future

The consciousness and organizing of the world has become ever more global
during the last century.
      This has increasingly lead to the emergence of systems to centralize
control of information, information flow, political power and economical
power on a global scale.
      These systems are being called the "New World Order".
      The links below give a picture of this emerging "New World Order"
developed by people in power, mainly in the West, and the struggle for a
human, sane and livable future by people more close to the concrete humans
around them, the trees, the rivers and the smell of grass on a rainy summer
On a personal note, I must say that I understand both sides.
      In an article I have tried to describe the implicit pattern of the
      The pattern shows that it corresponds in a European form to the
development of a specific globalisation process with the American way of
life, its culture, political system and economic system of great corporate
power, as a model on a global level.
      If you understand the pattern, you see that it is especially
concentrated to the 44-year period between 1986 and 2030, developing in
preparatory form on a European level tasks for an even more American
dominated time, far in the future.
      The period stands out as the last part of an about 300 year long period
of Enlightenment, starting in the beginning of the 18th century and ending in
the first part of the next century, as part of a larger pattern of history.
In 1993 (summer) prof Samuel Huntington at Princeton University wrote a
famous article in Foreign Affairs on what he saw as a coming "Clash of
Civilisations". The article describes what Huntington sees at the main
character of the post cold war era, but that - as I see it - hints also at
something of the possible character of the coming next 300 years; the central
task of building social structures for doing justice to the different
cultures of the world on a global level.
      In the article he describes it from its possible darker side; as a
struggle for power between about 8 world cultures, and centering on the
question how USA can continue to uphold its position as "world leader" during
this development.
      I think it will also turn out that the period will display far more
lighter developments, developing the cultures of the world not only on a
power struggle basis but also as the symphony it is.
My judgment is that some of the people at the institutions and in the groups
linked to and/or described below, that are responsible for the forming of the
present globalisation process, are aware of this longer pattern of history
and mainly try their best at handling the process in what they consider a
responsible way.
The links below describing some of these groups; the transatlantic European
initiated Bilderberg group, the global American initiated Trilateral
Commission, the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, the
Council on Foreign Relations in New York, the Scull and Bones Society at Yale
University and other groups and institutions, reflect a real dilemma.
      It is the conflict in a society where a few people in the West, in
central background position, on more or less well founded grounds, consider
themselves to be responsible to steer the development of the whole world on
grounds that they partly, but not completely describe, and the rest of the
people of the world that on equally well founded grounds find themselves
deprived of the basic democratic right and possibility to take part in and
decide on the direction of this development on grounds they aren´t told and
don´t understand and increasingly try to do something about it.
In the article on the EC/EU-process mentioned above I have tried to describe
how the European Union - as I see it - contains seeds to handling this
dilemma and conflict on a European level, if understood and developed
properly, handling questions of economy on a federative, super-national level
through the Commission, the questions of political and social life on a
confederative, democratic inter-national basis and cultural questions in a
free way that lets every culture of Europe come to expression, doing justice
to it, at present through a system of rotating cultural capitals.
I think that understood and developed properly, the EU - with all its
advantages and disadvantages, trying to do justice to the different qualities
of economy, of legal and social life and of cultural life - contains seed for
the building of possible good societies for the future, as temples for the
humanity that lives in us all, if transformed in the way I have tried to
describe in the article.

The emerging global information control system
A recent article on the end of privacy; "The surveillance society" in The
Economist (May 1st 1999) describes a growing understanding well: "The general
public may be only vaguely aware of the mushrooming growth of
information-gathering, but when they are offered a glimpse, most people do
not like what they see".
      Most of them probably haven´t even heard of "The Echelon Project" yet,
the REAL Big Brother project has been a reality for a number of years
already. The system makes it possible for the NSA (National Security Agency)
in USA and four other Anglo-saxon security agencies to read in principle ALL
emails, your emails!! and mine, looking for whatever they want.
      A report to the EU Parliament last spring and much other documentation
(see below) now describes the system in detail. As the report says: "The
ECHELON system forms part of the UKUSA system but unlike many of the
electronic spy systems developed during the cold war, ECHELON is designed for
primarily non-military targets: governments, organisations and businesses in
virtually every country".
      But the security agencies don´t only scan everything that is being sent
around the world as emails. They have also to a high extent taken control of
the development of computer hardware and software, forming it to support
their intelligence surveillance interests. Or as they modestly say at an
overview page of NSA: "A number of major U.S. computer companies are now
using hardware and software technology in their products which originated at
Description analysis and discussion
(a few examples, look at them for further links)
*       Central link page by Laszlo Baranyi: earlier at QA Information
Security AB - Code name: Echelon (local copy of the page)
*   Echelon & related Data Interception Capabilities 2000
*   Echelon: Exposing the Global Surveillance System
*   ECHELON: America's Spy in the Sky - Patrick Poole/CovSyn
*   NSA Spy Station F83
*   The Independent, April 11, 1998 - ECHELON DICTIONARY
*   Tribune
*   A page by Paul Wolf with material and links

*       give it what it wants; e-mail letters - MANY!! - containing the
keywords the system uses to find letters to take an interest in and collect
for the analysts at National Security Agency in USA and other places to read
*   write a friendly letter (email address) to the National Security Agency
and tell them what you think of them reading your emails and that you miss
information on their site on the project - I did and two days later someone
from a US Military server visited my home page, see 1, 2 and 3
*   encryption or getting an anonymous email address
*   pencil, paper, envelope and stamp; "snail mail", remember that?

The emerging informal structures of globalized central political control
The Trilateral Commission

*       New World Order - The Trilateral Commission
*   The Trilateral Commission - Here Are the People Who Want to Rule the
*   Feudalism ... alias American Capitalism (an ONLINE BOOK)

The Bilderberg group
*       no publication

Description, analysis
and discussion
*       The Bilderberg Group: Planning the World's Future Behind Closed Doors
*   Enigma issue 16: Investigation into The Bilderberg Group
*   Power Elite - New World Order lobby exposed: Bilderberg Conferences
*   The Bilderberg Group and the project of European unification
*   See also here

Council on Foreign Relations
*       Foreign Affairs Magazine

and discussion
*       On the Council on Foreign Relations
*   See also here

Royal Institute of International Affairs
*       The World Today
*   International Affairs
*   Books and Papers
*   Briefing Papers
*   Running The Planet. A Millenium Publication.

and discussion
*       See here

Other more informal influential groups

The Scull and Bones Society
analysis and discussion
*       Skull and Bones Society at Yale University

General material
on more
seclusive groups
*       Alien Astronomer - Secret Societies, Origins and Rituals (texts to be
read with judgement)

Influential international publications except Foreign Affairs

The Economist
The Washington Post

General publications on the emerging global political power system and links
on international affairs
*       New Dawn Magazine

General links
*       Swedish Institute of International Affairs' List of Links
*   Royal Institute of International Affairs - Links

The Future
Huntington´s - The clash of civilisations?
General description
*       The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order a chapter
of his book published in Washington Post

and discussion
*       Towards a New Clash of Civilizations? by prof Pedro Brigier of
Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina

The Millennium Sources on the development of the global economical control
and the grassroot struggle for a human, sane and livable future
Description, analysis and discussion
*       Globalisation and the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)
*   The New World Order, East-West issues and Social threefolding by Terry

Democratic and
local defense
and seeds for
the future
*       Social threefolding - an initiative based on an anthroposophical
understanding of man and society
*   Associative Economics
*   International Organization / NGO Web Sites: Index page
*   Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and the United Nations
*   Scientists for Global Responsibility
*   Federation of American Scientists
*   GreenNet Home Page - Global computer communications network for
Environment, Peace and Human Rights
*   Friends of the Earth International
*   The International Forum on Globalization (IFG)
*   Link page on MAI at the site of a Gordon Grant in Australia
*   Third World Network

Back to the main pageThis page was last modified on 16 July, 2001
It has been visited  times since November 6, 1998
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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