-Caveat Lector-


Now some are trying to say that because a member of a group
attended a rally organized by this man, it proves the organization
a 'hate' group.  One of the Google sites which is supposed to
'prove' this
offers the following hilarious satire and sarcasm directed at one
Morris Dees, corrupt head of the Southern Poverty Law Center, from
one who knows him well.  It actually refutes the very claim our own
haters are trying to foster.  I have long ago learned to actually
look at the links they CLAIM say this and that for often they do
NOT say anything of the kind as in this case.
Not only is this exposing Dees for his own corruption and
immorality, it is pointing out his own disregard for the very
minorities whom he pretends to champion.  It is only 'hate' in that
it is directed at the head of SPLC, a sacred cow like ADL Foxman,
whom no
one is to question in any way whatsoever.  This is worth reading
for its comic value if nothing else. Note, too, that one will be
labeled as a 'hater' if one dares to point out the immorality of
those allowed to label others.  Read
this "evil" Floyd's letter below, taken from his research at the
Montgomery County Courthouse records.  Better not 'diss' Mo or you
will be put on the 'lists.'!

Subject: Boss Dees
Date: September 29, 1998
From: Jim Floyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Center seeks civil rights attorney

The Southern Poverty Law Center seeks an attorney with substantial
civil rights law experience and the talent and determination to
develop new cases. Some exposure to education and/or health care
law is a plus.

Application for Employment

To Mark Potok and Boss Mo:

Sirs, I am James Floyd from Cullman, Alabama and I am immeasurably
excited, agog even, in anticipation of working and playing with you
wonderful people at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

As we progress through this resume you will surely understand that
I have, indeed, laboriously acquired detailed knowledge of Boss Mo
and his organization. I have devoted much time and exerted the
effort necessary to sniff-out the very essence of Mo and the SPLC.

The moral direction of this nation may well depend on you hiring me
with complete authority to reinstitute the practices of SPLC's
founders. Tolerance, sensitivity, and lots of love, tons of love,
have built this bulwark, this bastion of enlightenment for the
world on a brand new, high moral road and it screams for a return
to those glorious days. While I am innocent of any affiliation with
the legal community, nevertheless, I have attained a high level of
competency in the law by studying Mr. Dees's court records on file
at the Department of Archives and History, in Montgomery. Ref: case
no. CIV. 2114

The thrill is gone!

Today's aging SPLC and Mr. Dees are a far cry from the adventurous
and socially innovative group that we came to know and love just a
few years ago. Return with me now to those daring days of

If hired, I will, immediately, renew the skinny-dipping-
lunch-hour. Yes! We will, once again, all go down to the river, get
naked, drink a lots of beer, smoke a little pot and show the
corporate world how 'togetherness' can give a whole new meaning to
work-time. Ref. Cert. Papers pg. 25, 295

And in the field of race relations, Boss Dees was never one to give
only lip and tongue service to the up-lifting of recognizable
minorities. No, sir! Mo, always, put his very body and soul in his
noble work. Here's a man who laid awake at night planning, scheming
even, trying to find a way to share himself, unselfishly, with a
young Black girl. Ref. C.P. pg. 459

And who could forget Mo's hands-on approach to the acceptance of
homosexuals? How many employees at the SPLC, today, would have the
courage to give a naked Charlie Springman a place in bed beside
themselves and their mates? Well, Mo did it and he didn't just lay
there either! Mrs. Mo described this loving, caring scene;

"Uh, we where like pretzels, uh, you know, all wrapped around each
other. You know, arms and legs all over... And Morris kissed him,
you know, down there... uh yea, his, uh, penis."
The old 'pretzel principle' of unity. A great America searching for
simple ways to bring us together, to show love, sensitivity and
tolerance. Ref. C.P. 24, 339 - 342

Your above advertisement mentions "exposure to education," again, I
must refer to the example of our leader, Mo, and his tireless
attempts to educate Americas' youth, starting with his own
stepdaughter, Holly. If you hire me, we will put a vibrator-dildo
in the hands of all the nations' fathers who have sixteen year old
step-daughters. The same brand vibrator would be a nice touch, with
an accompanying instruction manual written by Mr. Dees. Ref. C.P.

Regarding health care, Mr. Dees's ideology serves as another
shinning example to us all. Here is a brave man who did not
hesitate to pay to have his and his mistress's baby aborted even at
five and a half (6?) months.

This, of course, leads us to the subject of family values and how
we treat our women. We, desperately, need to reprint and distribute
the many contractual agreements which Mo contrived for his wife. Of
course, the hate-mongers called it "wife-swapping" but we know it
was, yet another, giant step by a giant-of-a-man to give all woman
equal sexual freedom. Ref. Exhibit 30

He even committed himself, totally, to his future daughter-in-law.
Yes, down by the pool, on the night before her wedding, Morris
welcomed her to the family in his own special way! What a man! What
a family!

Now, we don't want to give people the wrong idea of Mo. He was
never a panty-waist little weakling. He was quite capable of
wheedling an iron fist when the occasion called for muscle.

Who will ever forget that night, in Washington, when his wife and
Mr. O'Daughert (National Endowment) where confounded, at a very
delicate moment, by Morris and his Private Investigator? From his
hiding place in the shower, Mo leaped forward, with fist flying as
fast as the PI's camera lens. He shattered her jaw and her chances
of looting the coffers of the SPLC. Ref. C.P. pg.13

Some may have problems with Mo's fierce determination to protect
the assets of the SPLC, well, such people have no place in the
SPLC. We need hard working adherents of the 'tough-love' policies
of Mr. Dees. Faint-hearted employees opening mail from Black
welfare grandmothers must not think about the consequences of
taking money from their meager incomes. Hungry Black kids with
gnarling gut pains you have with you always.

Mo, unfortunately, will soon retire to his vast ranch and idle away
his days floating down the Coosa, a river of memories. He will, no
doubt, stop at the sandbar where he had intercourse with Miss Debra
Levy while kissing his wife. Ref. C.P. 308

Enough! We are living in a world built by great men like Morris S.
Dees and I want to be a part of its future development. I want to
mount a white horse along side our champion, our guardian of the
high moral road, our social conscience, our pious warrior, and
fight those wacko, right-wing, White European/ American Christians,
and other damnable dissidents.

So, as you can see, if you hire me you will, also, get an in-house
historian! Plus, I am willing to go to the police officers and
educators of this nation and tell them about little Morris. No
extra charge. Justice Department money (as we have long suspected)
is fine.

James Floyd

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